ReAwaken America Tour DTW -D1- Fly Over Conservatives -David & Stacy Whited - Captions

8 months ago

ReAwaken America Tour Detroit, MI - DAY 1 | Join General Flynn, Eric Trump, Kash Patel, Mayor Giuliani & Team America + Request Tickets for October 18-19, 2024 Selma, NC At:

✝️ To view the complete (long, uncut) original videos:

👉 DTW - Day 1 - June 7, 2024 -
👉 DTW - Day 2 - June 8, 2024 -


Ladies and gentlemen, how many
of you know about the Fly Over
Conservatives broadcast? Ladies
and gentlemen, please stand to
your feet and greet the host of
the Flyover Conservative
Podcast, David and Stacy all
the way from Kansas City,
Whited I'll get you two mics.
Hello, fellow patriots.
Are you all fired up? I am so
excited to be with you all
today. I'm Stacy. This is my
husband David from the Flyover
Conservatives and we are really
excited, believe it or not,
about what's going on right
now. It may look like, oh my
gosh, we're down but we are not
because we serve a God that is
much bigger than what we are
seeing right now. There is no
doubt about it. In in August of
twenty20, David and I were on a
walk and during that time, God
gave us a man date. He said
it's time for you to wake up,
speak up, and show up. And he
said, you know, Donald Trump,
everybody was setting back
wanting President Trump to do
80 million things to save our
country. And now what we've
learned of these last few
years, what we really need is
80 million of us doing one
thing every single day to save
our own country. Yep. And that
is where we are, you know, as
we look around, we started
looking at these different
spheres of influence. There's
basically seven spheres of
influence. And what happened
was Christian conservatives
took a real pride in being part
of the silent majority. We were
really patting ourselves in the
backseat. We're part of the
silent majority and when that
happened, the plumb line of
Jesus was taken out of these
seven spheres of influence. We
let them take over our arts and
entertainment. We let them take
over the the government. We let
them take over our education
system. Start looking at what's
happened over these few decades
How things have changed. We let
him take over our churches. You
know, how can you have all of
these churches that just bowed
to the government and shut
their doors? How how did that
happen? It's because the plumb
line of Jesus was taken out of
these spheres of influence and
so we started our big shout out
to this church. If you're a
member of this church and
you're from this area, you you
may not realize it but there's
a lot of major cities in this
country that don't have a
pastor that would be willing to
host an event that's pro
America. Yes. And this one This
one does and you should you
should support this church.
That is exactly right. And so
we were like okay God use us.
What can we do? We're going to
bring our time, our talent, and
our treasure. And so in January
of 2021 our family David and I
our son Colton and our daughter
Avery we think we said
everything to the side. We're
like okay God we will give
people a platform that they can
share the truth on. And we
started flyover conservatives.
And every episode this is what
God told us. He said every
episode that you have has to
have Hope in it because if it
ever has hopelessness, it means
it's seated in a lie because
God was taken out of the
equation and so when we look at
what's going on in our country
and we start looking around
thinking, okay, what we see in
the natural is way different
than what is going on in the
supernatural or in God's realm
because God is not chewing his
nails. He hasn't fallen off the
throne. He's not googling
asking what he should do next.
He knows exactly what's
happening and we are a part of
what God is doing during this
time. Every week, yeah, thank
you. Every week, I do something
called the prophetic report and
I love it. I get so excited. I
get up on Wednesday mornings
and at five o'clock or actually
just start to get up at 4
o'clock over the since January
because so much is happening
and I put together along with
the lord this prophetic report
and we go through what is God
saying during this time and
it's so exciting to see how you
know, Hank Kuneman in Nebraska
is saying the same thing as Tim
Sheetz in Ohio, sometimes at
the exact same time. It's the
same God. It's just different
vessels delivering these
prophetic words and what I
found in common, there's been
four things that I found in
common. One thing is this is
the best time to be alive. That
we were chosen to be alive
right now. Not 100 years ago,
not a thousand years from now,
we are alive right now during
this time and this is an Esther
moment God is using us now to
you to bring our time, talent,
and treasure. It's like he's
putting together a puzzle and
we are a piece of that puzzle.
The next thing is, I know it's
not the end yet because there's
a transference of wealth that's
coming from the wicked to the
righteous and so I'm like, okay
God, whatever I gotta do, let
me be a vessel that this money
flows through to bring your
kingdom to Earth. We've already
seen what the evil has done
with the finances. What are we
going to do with the creator of
the universe above all things
with these finances that are
coming. So exciting. Next thing
is that Trump will be back.
That is what has been
prophesied for a long time now.
So Trump will be back. He's the
only one that can keep himself
out of that position because we
all have free will but he is
proving every single day. He's
taking a step forward step
forward no matter what is
happening. He is doing it. And
so I am excited about this. I
want to give you guys kind of a
tool that you can use. Uh have
you guys heard of Chris Reed,
the prophet Chris Reed? Okay,
So, Chris read a lot like we
read. He found your crowd here.
What's that? He found your
crowd here. He's prophetic. Our
daughter stated started dating
this real great guy while back
and he came to our house and
they were showing him around.
He's like, why is your mom have
all these like ram horns and
she has a sword the size of a
small child back there and he's
a Christian but he's like, you
know, she's like, well, I'll
kind of explain that to you
over time. And so Chris read a
lot like the Bible. He's had
three dreams since 2022 and God
is giving us these signs and he
keeps bringing em up. So, I
want to bring em up to you guys
today. The first one was about
a $50 bill. This was back in
2022 and what's getting ready
to happen to the economy and
what's happening in our system.
This was in twenty twenty-2, a
very important dream. The next
thing was what happened on
October the seventh in Israel.
Uh he had a dream so goes
Israel so goes America and then
he had a third dream in March
9th of 2023 or 20twenty-four
I'm sorry the rebirth of
America and so the there's
timelines that God is giving us
and we are all called right now
to pray it's impossible to pray
and for something not to happen
so what I did is I did a show
about these dreams and I
created a timeline giving us
different things to pray about
can this be chain Can this be
altered or can this be stopped?
And and so it's our job right
now to partner with God. If you
would like to have that
timeline from the dreams, just
text the phone number four zero
5 zero nine. Text the word
dreams and he'll have have him
put it up here on the screen.
Four zero five zero nine. Text
the word dreams and it'll give
you that timeline so you can
walk through it yourself and be
able to partner with God and
say, nope, not on my watch.
This is not happening. Hi
We've learned so much in this
process. When we started our
podcast, we'd never met one
person that had been a guest on
a podcast. We just knew we were
willing, you know, and you
know, now I'm standing here
next to like a glittery redneck
patriotic fishing lure and on
Go big or go home. Yeah. It's
funny. I could see where she's
been. There's like a bathroom
backstage and stuff and I walk
back there. There was little
pieces of glitter. I'm like at
the deep state of Rob Duck's my
wife. I'll find her. It leaves
a little trail. She said about
the 80 million people earlier
that people wanted Donald Trump
to 80 million things. The
answer is really 80 million of
us doing one thing to save our
own country because at the end
of the day, this is our country
and you know, everybody likes
the David and Goliath story.
It's amazing. You know, young
boy against a giant but what
had gone on for days and days
before that, a lot of people
standing around wishing
somebody would do something.
They even had a king that had
armor that had everything
required to fight this person
in the natural but there was a
lot of people standing around
wishing somebody would do
something and I could tell you
this, nothing happens until so
Somebody does something and if
somebody in your town, it's a
school board or where you're
at, if they're not doing
something, maybe you're that
person. Had a mentor tell me
one time he said, God's
uniquely equipped you to fix
the things that uniquely anger
you. Everybody can walk by a
park that's overrun with weeds
and they're selling drugs in it
and say, man, when we were
kids, we used to play there.
What a mess. Somebody should
come and do something about
that and they keep talking
about it, talking about, they
shared at dinner and people are
like, yeah, it's a problem.
They kind of go on. Can you
pass the rolls? Everybody in
here is here today because
there's something that catches
your eyes. You're walking by
that uniquely angers you. We
got Michelle here on the front
row changing laws in the world.
She had something that angered
her and made a move. This is
the time for the 80 million of
us to do the one thing every
day and it may seem kind of
big. God doesn't require you to
be a chef. He requires you to
bring your fishes and your
loaves. He can cook. He doesn't
need you to cook. He needs you
to say, I I will Wish I had a
prepared meal but I just have
some fishes and loaves but here
you go. Can you do something
with me? I'm available. We did
it with a show. I I I it's
amazing. We come here. We meet
people in real life because we
make this, you know, show in
our home. It's like sticking a
message in a bottle and throw
it in the ocean. I hope
somebody watches it and we just
figured out how to video edit.
I don't know where we're at now
but last year, we had 27
million different people
download our podcast. I'm like,
wow, God. That is God. Cuz he
could've Chosen people that had
a lot more skill and ability
but we said, you know what?
We'll put everything to the
side and say, here's what we
have. This is a moment for us
all to partner together and we
have a limited number of days
but there's something that
uniquely catches your eye and
your eye and your eye and your
eye that you're uniquely
equipped in a way that you
don't even understand if you
just bring your fishes and
loaves. Each and every day we
try to bring on guests that
help wake that up in you.
They're an expert. They've
spent their life on this thing
and here's what they have to
offer. If you follow our
podcast, it's just us
interviewing the smartest
people that agree to come on
and say, hey, here's what you
can do in that area. So, we're
partnering with this together
with you guys and I can tell
you this, I've never been more
hopeful and more encouraged and
I can't exactly put my finger
on why sometimes but I feel it
inside that there's a shift and
we're moving in the right
direction because there's so
many of you doing something
every day to save our country.
God bless you guys and thank
you for being here. God bless
Alright, Dave, come up here
real quick. Dave and Stacey,
come up here one more time.
Stacy, I need you back. Just
bring you back here real quick
here. Uh little housekeeping
notes here. Houseman number
one. Dave, can you come up here
real quick? Dave. Dave, come on
up real quick. Stacey, need you
guys up here real quick here.
No, they they didn't know. It's
kind of hard to hear up here.
It's kind of a anyway. Um so,
if anybody, your your podcast.
Let's pull it up real quick on
Rumble there. Devin, let's pull
up the podcast Rumble. com and
find the flyover conservatives,
okay? And we're going to give
away three backstage passes for
North Carolina. So, you're
going to meet Peter Navarro,
Eric Trump, Lena Haba, the
whole team there and how many
of you listen to podcasts
often, conservative podcast? Uh
Cash Patel and Alina want to do
a Q&A with you guys today. So,
you guys can ask any questions
that you want, okay? Which is
great as an audience but also
backstage, you can ask even
more questions. It's a fun way
to do that but to give away
some of those, we're going to
ask you to subscribe right now
to the Flyover Podcast. Uh it's
a Flyover Conservative Podcast.
So, you subscribe and if you
can't figure it out, you
want to look for somebody under
the age of twenty. Now, you're
going to know they're under the
age of 20 because they don't
have verbal communication
skills. So, you don't have
technology skills but they have
the the non-verbal technology
skills and they're going to
make eye contact with you for
the first time ever with a
human and then you're going to
and you see you can bridge the
gap. So, find someone under 20
and and don't don't scare em.
You know, just send a hello.
You know, anyway, have them
help you and you want to
subscribe to the Flyover
Conservatives Podcast, okay?
And then another chance if you
subscribe to the Thrive Time
Show Podcast. Go to Rumble.
com. Search for the Thrive Time
Show Podcast and we have a
hundred and twelve streaming
partners including the Flyover
Conservatives. We're reaching
over a million people right
now. A million people are
streaming. A million people are
streaming right now so if you
will go on there and subscribe
right that's one out of every
330 million Americans that we
know about are watching right
now so again go there download
just hit the subscribe button
and send a screenshot to my
cellphone number my cellphone
number Devin pull it up on the
screen it's nine one eight
eight 5 1 zero 1 zero 2 9 1 8
851 we have a lot of bilingual
people here nine one 8 8 51 0 1
02 I just text my number proof
of subscribing and you get a
chance to win a backstage pass.
So, Dave, tell us what's the
show everybody needs to watch
and then we'll let Stacey one
up you. If you're going to
watch one, how many people have
not watched the Fly Ever
Conservative Show? Anybody?
Okay. That there's one show to
watch. You're the one. I knew
it. Okay. I would say that the
right now, the thing that's got
the biggest, you know, impact
on your life is the prophetic
report comes out each Wednesday
at 11 11 because it's so
hopeful. It's so encouraging
and there's people watching it
that are barely like I'm kind
of a Christian. I grew up when
that was around but they're
they're they're in such, you
know, people pray in jail like
never before, right? When when
you when you need it and our
our world's kind of in a
foxhole right now, there's no
atheist in one. So, they're
leaning into into that show in
a really powerful way that will
impact your finances, that will
impact your health, that will
you know every area of your
life and I'm not just
patronizing you know my wife's
you know. Let me see what you
did there. You woven a
compliment. I'm like it's not a
bad move if I was. Okay now
Stacey what's the one show that
people need to watch? They
haven't watched the Flyover
Conservative episode. Yes so we
have brought on a lady by the
name of Brianna Murillo and
Brianna is always on the news
way before you see it any place
else and so she's part of the
Flyover Conservatives and you
can find her on Rumble at the
Brianna Murillo Show. com. You
can also seen on the flyover
conservatives as well. She's
live every single night, five
days a week and she always has
the best information that you
need to know. Okay. Now, I'm
going to throw out some other
shows for you. If you're
looking for other places to get
information and truth that are
good sources. I'm in Devin
trying to keep up with me,
okay? Go to YouTube and look
for Petrova CPA. Who knows
about that show? Anybody?
Buehler Bueller. Awesome. This
is a fun find for you then.
It's called Petrova CPA. It's a
ten-minute update. Who knows
about bricks? Okay. So, if you
don't know about bricks,
Brazil, Russia, India, China,
South Africa, that's Bricks,
Brazil, Russia, India, China,
South Africa. Those countries
are teaming up with Iran,
Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Arabia,
Egypt, Ethiopia and they, Putin
is in charge of bricks now.
They've been hoarding the
Earth's gold for the past 17
years. They're going to be
introducing a new reserve
currency soon. So, they're
wanting to call dedollarize AKA
devalue the US dollar switching
the power structure from how
many of you know the US dollar
the World Reserve currency?
Okay, how many of you know how
terrible it would be if like
China was in charge of the,
okay. So, that's what they're
doing and this is a great
resource, Petrova CPA, okay?
You got Flyover Conservatives,
Petrova CPA, other resources
just trying to give you some
resources. Truth Social, who
has not downloaded the Truth
Social app. Don't lie to me.
You're out of church. Don't lie
to me. I've had this
conversation with people I
love. Okay, go to go to Truth
Social. Download the app. This
is President Trump's way of
communicating and you haven't
done, I encourage you to do it.
It's free. Who's not subscribed
to Truth Social? Who's not
downloaded the app? Okay, you
gotta do it, okay? Go to Truth
Social. Give you time to
download it and this is
President Trump's voice. His
ability to communicate and Cash
Patel puts out a great series
of truth bombs every single
day. This is President Trump's
one of his chief legal
advisors, Cash Patel. Uh some
have said he may be the next
ahead of the DOJ, maybe the
head of the FBI, Cash Patel but
you can only find him on Tru
okay President Donald J Trump
on Truth okay so I encourage
you to go that's truth social
okay Dave do you have a
resource you like to go to any
particular place that's sort of
your research information and
don't recommend a gun and ammo
website again just tell us
something beyond the gun and
ammo website I say one one hack
I'm I've never met the guy or
or part of it but Citizen Free
Press I mean Charlie Kirk says
he goes there about 40 times
today to find out what the
newest thing so it's just a
stream of headlines Citizen
Free Press that that like Oh I
didn't know that was going on.
It's just the efficient way to
see just just links and lines
and it might be a a a video of
something or it might be a link
to a true social or might be a
link to Twitter but it's just
and it and it changes all day
long but if you have like 30
seconds and you're like I
want to get caught up on
something Citizen Free Press is
a really efficient way to do
that. Let's go to Stacey.
Stacey is there one more
resource you want to share?
Yes, Elijah Streams. If you've
not seen Elijah's Dreams,
highly recommend it. Love Steve
Schultz and always talking
about what God is doing. Steve
we are interviewing Robin
Bullock this week so coming up
really excited about that as
well Steve Schultz is a great
guy other resource for you one
more for you if you go to Time
to Free America. com forward
slash Revelation Time To Free
America. com forward slash
Revelation you can see the
entire great reset timeline so
I'll just give you a little
sneak peek of it so you can see
how it works you scroll down
real quick here okay keep
scrolling down okay so 1971
Nixon takes us off the gold
standard nineteen one. The
World Economic Forum is found
in nineteen seventy-one. You
can see the 1971 theme and then
they start doing research in
2002 to block out what's called
the VMAT 2 gene. Who knows what
that is? VMAT 2 gene. It's
called the God gene and they
want to block it out and so
just some of the fun thing not
fun, reverse fun, the opposite
of fun, things you can find on
this page. Um if you do a
search real quick, Devin, I
want everyone to look this up
real quick. Go to Google and
type in W zero two zero two
zero zero six zero six zero
six. Who not read this patent
before. W 020 hands up. Two W
zero two zero two zero zero six
zero six zero six. I'm not a
theologian but there's
something Dave about that
patent but this is Bill Gates
rolls out a patent for a
cryptocurrency system using
body activity, body activity
and so basically you can't buy
or sell without this
technology. That's the patent.
So, you can see all the
patents. Um if you go back to
Time to Free America. com
forward slash Revelation, he
back up to the top. Um if you
want to see what's in the
shots, people talk about it,
they speculate, they
pontificate about it. If you
scroll back up to the top,
Devin, and click on view the
COVID-19 great reset diagram.
Click right there. And this is
everything is broken down for
you. So you can see here the
entire agenda is to put
surveillance under the skin and
you say how can you prove that
here are all the patents. If
you want to point out with your
to your friends and family the
models that said the 2. 2
million people would die from
COVID or false. If you want to
point out that the polymerase
chain reaction tests are false.
It's all there. Time to
America. com and I want to show
you one more thing. Do a Google
search for bird flu. Who knows
about bird flu? Don't move me.
Boo someone next to you. Okay.
So yeah. But the bird flu is
going to be and I'm not
prophetic. If you just click on
news. The bird flu is going to
be the thing that they're
going to use to justify the
next lockdown. Okay? You heard
it here. Maybe second. Maybe
fifth. But maybe you already
said it on the way here. I guys
are going to how many have
already said they're going to
use bird flu. So in America
there's 1. 5 billion poultry
birds. And we've already
successfully and and I mean
that fast backwards kind of
way. We've already successfully
euthanized 1% of the poultry in
America as of this week. So in
minute How many of you are from
Michigan? In Michigan, they
just shut down the state's
largest poultry egg producer.
Do you know about this? So if
you do a new tab, Devin, you
can type in Michigan poultry
400 eggs and you should find
it. So what they're doing is
they're now with COVID. There
you go. You click on the top
article. So with COVID, how
many of you remember the PCR
test? It's a great way to nasal
rape yourself. Yes, I said
nasal rape yourself. A
polymerase chain reaction test.
You had to take that test
because the virus was so deadly
You had to know if you had it.
Remember that? Remember that?
So bird flu if you type in a
hundred times more deadly
Devin. Hundred times more
deadly bird flu Newsmax.
They're reporting now that bird
flu is a 00 times more deadly
than COVID but you don't know
if you have it. So, I guess if
you're dead, you have it. I
mean, think about that.
Remember that? Okay. So, what
they're doing now, if you type
in type in CDC wastewater
dashboard bird flu. CDC
wastewater dashboard bird flu
because it took too long to
convince you and I to take the
PCR test. They're now testing
the wastewater and they're now
declaring that there's bird flu
over here. We got bird flu and
an alpaca. Bird flu and a dog.
Bird flu. How many of you seen
this? Okay, so if you go to
bird flu, click on news. What
they're going to say is they're
going to start to declare
there's a bird flu outbreak
over here with a dog with an
alpaca and Iowa just declared
an emergency. How many of you
saw that? Iowa just euthanized
over a million chickens this
week. Great job Governor
Reynolds. Okay so anyway so I
just want you to know they're
going to do that but God hath
not given us the spirit of
fear. Yeah. So I want to
encourage you guys. If you're
not plugged in to the Fly Over
Conservatives podcast, what I
really love about their
broadcast is they share the
truth but then they tell you
what the Bible has to say about
it and I just encourage you. If
you haven't subscribed, do it
now and then you can text me a
screenshot to my cellphone
number of your subscription.
Nine one eight eight five one
zero one zero two. You have a
chance to win a backstage pass.
Dave I'll give you the final
word because I like you a lot.
Well there's a lot of you that
are saying well I would never
buy into COVID again. So
they're not going to do the
exact same thing if you're
tuned into like what Clay is
saying. You have to start now
against that narrative. Because
what they can say hey it's in
the wastewater. We're shutting
down Jackson County or
whatever. Then there's no you
assume somebody's got it and so
everybody's kind of goes along.
So we got to get ahead of this
messaging and even a room this
size and you got a million
people watching online, we can
begin messaging against this
and it'll go over like. And I
and I'm not going to mention
names so I don't want to like,
I don't want to defame anybody.
I don't feel like I'm being a
negative person but many of the
speakers that have spoken at
this stage told us they first
learned that the RNA modifying
nanotechnology AKA the
bioweapons was in the shots
backstage. You know, or from
people like yourselves. So
again, you can't think that
these people know everything.
That's the big purpose of these
events. So again, subscribe to
fly every conservative if you
can. Subscribe to the Thrive
Time Show. Share this
information in the air
everywhere. Let's put our hands
together one more time for
David and Stacy Whited. Thanks
man. Appreciate it. Thank you.
Boom. Alright.

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