What The Bible Says About Christians And Persecution-NOW THE END BEGINS-JUNE 16 2024

7 months ago

In your King James Bible, the word ‘persecution’ appears 10 times, once in Lamentations for the Tribulation, and 9 times in the New Testament. Our apostle Paul mentions ‘persecution’ 4 times in his writings. So it would appear that a fairly healthy chunk of the references apply to us, here and now. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking at biblical persecution of Christians by the Roman government, historic persecution of Christians by the Roman Catholic Church, and persecution in general as a prophesied ongoing condition of the Christian church. Here in America in 2024, there is no open persecution of Christians in particular that I am aware of, and as a Christian for the past 33 years, I have not suffered any of it. But there is something that needs to be said about staying silent for the Lord because we know that there would be consequences. For example, on your job you may see egregious things taking place, especially during Pride Month, things you know you should be a witness against, and you don’t because it could affect your next raise, your next promotion, or the overall security of your job in general. I think this is what Paul has in mind when he writes about persecution in the life of Christians.

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