061724 Word From God -I AM NONE OF THIS - ROXANNE

7 months ago

The Lord Is My Shepherd
My children,
As the earthquakes and the shakes, what side of eternity will you find yourselves on? Startled by my question? You better Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Many claim to be mine, but, they are not. They love their sins more than they love me. They say a little here, a little there, no harm in that!! I say a little Leaven, leavens the whole lump.

So again, I say, what say you?

I say abandon the false teacher’s, the false healer’s, the false church building. They are not of me. I do not do fancy. (WGA Note: This means people are dressing to the nines to go to church, not to respect the House of God, but, to draw attention to themselves, as a competition, who has the most material AND as noted below).

I say abandon High heels, short skirts and low tops, that is a prostitute for the world. (WFA note: He is not name calling, he is calling out behavior, clothing choices which allure a certain response. intent and results of such attire. They are not there to worship GOD, they are there to draw attention from GOD to themselves.)

Message continued: Same with the tight T-shirts, skinny jeans with the arms all tatted up as though I am that casual. “Come as you are, stay as you are.” (WFA note: The church leadership is condoning this attire in order to appeal to a younger, hip crowd. Dressing and acting like the world as though that will draw them in and keep them there….)

To those who fly the pride flag on their buildings and say all are welcome. I say remove your facades, toss the wolves in sheep’s clothing, come learn of me.

I am meek, humble and lowly. Is that what you are seeing in these buildings? Promotion of pomp and circumstance? I am none of that.

I say come as you are. I say you will never be the same. I will clean your heart, show you the truth and teach you my ways. I do not say run back out into the world and stay as you are, no not so.
Many are called, few are chosen. Now do you see why? Many do not want the truth. They want to live in in denial, comfort and stay within the confines of the fallen ones. Who has bewitched you? Those who call themselves mine? I say stop dining with the pigs. Stop eating their slop and run home before it’s too late for you.

I hear give me one more chance? I say your heart was never going to change. You would go on sinning in this lifetime until death comes for you. Be it now or a 1000 years, no, you are not sincere.
Remember, I know the heart of every man. It is deceitfully wicked, who can know it? There are only 2 choices. The world and All that is in it or my kingdom, love and paradise and all that is in it. No evil, no lies or jealousy. Honesty, honor and righteousness, joy, joy unspeakable joy (angels were singing).

While the world spins out of control and I allow it, I am using my judgments to shake and awaken mankind.

Ladies will you allow lust to trail behind you because of what you wear, how you act? Oh and you married ones. Men will you continue to chase the skirts like a bull with a nose ring? Have you any self control? Oh and you married ones (WFA note: I see Jesus hang his head in shame).

I am here to free you of all unrighteousness. I am here to draw you from the slaughter of the fallen ones. Do not believe, read Genesis chapter 6. I preserved my word for these times and I am allowing my removed transcripts to float back into circulation. I have one question for you. Can you receive it? Or will you continue to allow the enemy to spin my word so you can believe a lie?
Have you ever asked yourselves why so many religions? Man’s ways are not my ways.

I am revealing new things, translated documents the world has never seen. They were put away for times such as this. If you can receive it.

Be aware as the enemy will spread his lies. How will you know? I gave you my spirit. Each man has right and wrong is written on the tablet of his heart. I have sent the comforter to my true followers and to those who truly seek me and want to get to know me. That is how you will decipher truth from lies.

I have created a kingdom of free will, free choice. Those who exercise their free will and free choice AND choose to follow me are the ones I choose. I call mankind. It is up to him to respond. Where are those jewels in the land of clay. Those are the rare ones. Those are the ones who are pruned, plucked, fermented and converted into a fine wine to be enjoyed at the wedding supper.

Do not lose heart. Those who are with me are always to be with me. Forever and ever. You are my love’s, my dove’s, my chosen one’s. Sit, recline, sup with me for a little while, for your journeys require you to rest for the final push. The push for redemption where each of you will be redeemed by the promise which was made to each of you. Who I called and chose to serve me during these terrible times. These terrible days. You are my bright shining stars. You will help bring in the final harvest. Even though those lizards/serpents will try to stand in your way. I say no, I am with you always even until the end of the world.

To the lukewarm ones, the lost, I have many things I can say to you, but, I will not today. I only ask at you reconsider your plights and destination. Come learn of me. There is no shame or sin too great for me to overcome. I am the only way, the redeemer. I Change old wine skins to new wine skins.

I fill in the cracks and stitch the holes. I repair and renew the broken-hearted, the ones who were hurt by those who do not serve me so I ask you this: Why do you trip on them? The same ones who do not care about you? Why are you stuck there? Why did you allow them to stop your power? Shut you down?

I say, meet me for real. I will send you righteous companions to fellowship with. Allow me to renew and strengthen you once more. Remind you of my love for you. Do not let them win. I love you, I will take you, but, it must be buy your own free will.

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