Oak Hill Church of Christ 6-16-24 Message: "It's Time To Change Your Wardrobe"

6 months ago

Oak Hill Church of Christ preaching minister, Randy Sterling, delivers a message on the power of true forgiveness that comes through a relationship with God in Jesus Christ.

Many of us American children were assigned to read a book about the "Scarlet Letter" in which a character who had an adulterous past was forced to wear the symbol of her sin openly, in the hopes that shame and ridicule would lead to forbearance from that sin, not only hers, but those who might likewise be tempted.

Modernly, there are videos a-plenty featuring wrongdoers wearing sandwich signs or even vests featuring their iniquity. Like the pillory of old, the goal is to use social shame to enforce compliance with cultural morals and behavior. Shame is a powerful tool for social creatures like humans.

Interestingly enough, though God is definitely a proponent of sinless societies, God would prefer not to use compulsive reminders and shame in order to correct His children. Through Christ, God offers forgiveness and freedom from the past. God offers new life through His Son. Those who inwardly recognize their iniquities can turn to God for a cleansing, instead of the red letter.

If you've been living with red letters covering your clothes symbolizing all the sins you've committed, wondering how God could possibly reconcile with what looks like the NASCAR sponsorship jumpsuit of sin, take some time to learn about what God has in store for the children He loves, accept Christ, die to your old self, and be reborn to newness of life.

If God can forget your past, maybe you can, too.

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