Lesson Five Arabic from the beginning

8 months ago

This is the fifth session of an eighteen-lesson course for absolute beginners wishing to learn Arabic. In this lesson, you will have the chance to complete two exercises using the letters you have learned to join so far. You will also be taught how to join the next eight letters of the alphabet, namely: seen, sheen, saad, daad, taa, zaa, 'ayn and ghayn. In addition, you will learn three ways of saying good-bye in Arabic when taking your leave of someone.

The course as a whole is based on the book 'Arabic from the Beginning: Part One' by Dr. Imran Hamza Alawiye, which is available from the publisher's website: www.gatewaytoarabic.com. The course teaches everything you need to know to read and write the Arabic script, as well as useful Arabic phrases.

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