What We'll Tell Our Kids about this Time when they Grow Up

7 months ago



Do y'all ever think about what we're gonna tell our kids about what being a parent was like when they were kids? Because if you say it out loud, it's like, wow, this shit's actually pretty crazy. Like, listen kids, the government was out of control. They had literally poisoned everything and they were sending all of our money to other countries.

So we were like, oh my god, we can't pay their bills. And they were like, oh my god, but these countries over here need your money. So anyway, the food was poisoned, the water was poisoned, so we had to like start buying food from local farmers.

And we didn't really eat a lot of fruits and vegetables just because the quality was so bad because, you know, the government poisoned everything. And what was even crazier is the medical industry was basically the mafia and they were like the number one killer of people in America. But we couldn't say anything about it because, like I said, they were like literally the mafia.

So anyways, we did a lot of things to make sure you guys could keep your fertility as you got older. So yeah, that's why we're farmers. Any questions?

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