New to Homeschooling in Florida - Homeschool Laws: Attendance, Enrollment & More (Episode 45)

8 months ago

Home Education in Florida, especially if you're new!

This podcast (episode 45) by the Home Education Foundation is aimed at parents new to homeschooling in Florida. It covers the statutes related to attendance and enrollment options for homeschooling families in the state.

Homeschooling Statutes: The podcast reviews the legal requirements for home education in Florida, including attendance and record-keeping. The Personalized Education Program as a means of satisfying homeschooling attendance in Florida. Finally, Umbrella Schools as a means of homeschooling, with the understanding that you are enrolling your child in a private school, so that legally you are a private school student with the freedom to direct your child's education as you see fit - including homeschooling them.

FL S. 1003.01(16)a-f Definitions.
FL S. 1003.23 Attendance records and reports.

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