POLL: Is JOE BIDEN mentally fit?

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🗳 LIVE CHAT POLL: How would you assess Joe Biden's acuity? Mentally Fit, Slipping, Mentally Unfit

📻 12:25pmCT - Andrew Arthur on #Biden mass amnesty plan
📻 1:05pmCT - Stephen Moore on #NoTaxOnTips2024

🚨 FEEDBACK REQUESTED: Would you be willing to fill out a feedback form on your thoughts on the show? We'd love to hear from you! Find us at anniefreyshow.com/feedback and give us some cold, hard truths! We can handle it. 💪🙂

👀 DEBATE WATCH PARTY: Watch the Thursday, June 27 presidential debate with us! We'll be at Dave & Busters along with some very special guests. Stay tuned for details on room expansion!

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