USA and Canada Have Been Pirated and Pillaged By Freemasonry(That Serves The Vatican Monsters)

8 months ago

Kights Templars and Freemasons of Europe have their "Refuge" in Switzerland and that is why the Swiss Guard are protecting their masters, The Vatican ancient monsters.

Canada and the USA are parts of the 5th Column:
North America is considered an isolated "ship" that is secretly run by the Vatican's Admiralty Laws with the remnants of the Law of the Land disappearing along with the USA Constitutional Republic as Freemason politicians "Executive-Order" away the past declared freedoms.

The Masonic organized illegal migrant invasion of Canada and the USA is the NWO agenda created by the ancient sheepherders, Homo capensis, the masters of all Freemasons and secret societies. Freemason committees like Bilderbergers and the CFR do not call any shots... they are all just sheepdogs and actors who play-out the agenda set-up by the Homo capensis races of devils. They used to rule a brainchipped population of humanity told what to do by A.i. Freemasons printed that ancient Tower-Of-Babel (the Giza Khufu Pyramid) on the fiat debt-dollar notes. This is the Mystery School cUlts method of mocking the intelligence of the sheeple. When the sheepdog-freemasons discover an awakening sheep... they use the hidden-dagger technique to quietly assassinate them, then go back to their lodge to gloat... but not today. After rebuilding the Tower-Of-Babel they all accept brainchip-hivemind technology where they can hold their meetings and gatherings within their brainchip that communicates machine-language to neuron-brain-language. This is the "Living Language" that was printed upon the Georgia Guidestones which served it's purpose and was dismantled, just like the WTC was dismantled by the same cUlt which assassinated JFK. The cUlt of Freemasonry serves the old devils. The JFK assassination was a symbol that Homo capensis takes pride in manipulating and making history happen. Since they live for thousands of years due to ancient A.i., genetic-manipulation... they like to pretend that they are gods compared to Homo sapiens without such genetic manipulation... yet...

But there is a bigger picture that the pirates are missing. Physical reality is a proving grounds and playground for the development of worthy soul-fragments. Genocidal and murderous thUg-souls prove to be unworthy of the free-will test for worthiness.
Freemasons/Luciferians and (Homo capensis)devils are pirates and thieves and that behavior leads to becoming murderous and thus unworthy of a useful afterlife. They just don't realize that they cannot be in a battle with their Creator that manifests the substance of physical reality and even maintains their single time-line interpretation to help them exercise their free-will. Unfortunate for the monsters, their choices of free-will is the destruction of the very worthiness that they were born with. Physical reality doubles as a filtering mechanism that separates the worthy from the unworthy... they are simply tricked by the devils that they can get away with stealing the value-fulfillment from other souls... but they cannot really kill a single bug... all they can really do is remove themselves from the bug's multidimensional presence. The Creator-God is so far beyond the devils and the Freemasons... that they are simply the lost souls who think they can steal, pillage and murder their way towards some kind of salvation.

Last summer the devils guided their minions to pillage my house and belongings and I could see just how pathetic these leaders of the NWO have become along with their pathetic followers who also pillage gold as modern-day pirates.


Resistance to Pirates:
The purpose of Law is to control the sheeple... not necessarily for justice... only a cUlt member will find justice and also to get away with Masonic piracy:

Canada and the USA are parts of the 5th Column:

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