CCP Allows Coast Guard to Detain Foreign Vessels in "Chinese" Waters

3 months ago

06/17/2024 ANC News: The Chinese Communist Party has implemented a new policy that authorizes its Coast Guard to detain foreign vessels passing through the so-called “Chinese waters”. No Philippine fishermen have been arrested so far, but the Philippines is on high alert and preparing for the worst possible scenario. Philippine National Security Advisor Eduardo Año said that he will continue to work with the G7 to ensure peace and stability in the region.
#SouthChinaSea #CoastGuard #Chinesewaters #detainforeignvessel #Philippine
06/17/2024 ANC新闻:中共执行新政策,授权海岸警卫队扣留经过所谓“中国海域”的外国船只。目前尚无菲律宾渔民被捕,但菲律宾严阵以待,正在为可能发生的最坏情况做准备。菲律宾国家安全顾问爱德华多·阿诺表示,将继续与七国集团合作,确保该地区的和平与稳定。
#南中国海 #海岸警卫队 #中国海域 #扣押外国船只 #菲律宾

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