My Interview by Beyond the Fundamentals (with Bonus Commentary)

8 months ago

I had such a good time being interviewed by Keving Thompson from Beyond the Fundamentals, so I'm re-presenting the interview with some bonus commentary! Probably because of how fast I spoke (LOL!), we covered a lot of ground in this interview! We discussed the contention from certain Christians against incorporating insights from psychology and neuroscience in our pastoral care and sanctification process, and how that intersects with my work with people dealing with sexuality struggles, especially same-sex attraction.

#SSA #ChristianSexuality #ChristianCounseling #Sexuality #SameSexAttraction #Homosexuality #ChristianResponsestoSexuality #Concupiscence #Calvinism #Evangelicalism

Check out Kevin's channel . . . if you're willing to be challenged:
His livestream on The Natural Man (in which we dialogued in the comments):
His livestream interview with me:

Roberts, AL; Glymour, MM; and Koenen, KC. (2013). Does maltreatment in childhood affect sexual orientation in adulthood? Archives of Sexual Behavior, 42: 161-171.
Tomeo, ME; Templer, DI; Anderson, S; and Kotler, D. (2001). Comparative data of childhood and adolescence molestation in heterosexual and homosexual persons. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 5: 535-41.
Holmes, WC; and Slap, GB. (1998). Sexual abuse of boys: Definition, prevalence, correlates, sequelae, and management. JAMA, 280, no. 21.
Paulk, A. (2003). Restoring Sexual Identity: Hope for Women Who Struggle with Same-Sex Attraction. Eugene, OR: Harvest House.

For more on the topics mentioned in this video and interview:
What Happens in Reintegrative Therapy:
Lost Ways of Knowing in Christianity:
Polyvagal Theory Validates Reintegrative Therapy:
IFTCC Conference Reflection on the Self-States (incorporating polyvagal theory and self-states into discussing the church's sexuality crisis):
The Concupiscence Controversy | Are You Sinning Just by Feeling a Fleshly Desire or Arousal?:
The Alternative to Purity Culture's Approach to Sexual Sin: Integration and Maturation:
Joshua Butler's Sex as an Icon of Salvation Commentary:
Justifying the Use of Natural Law in Sexuality and Therapy:
The Sexual Revolution and Gay Agenda playlist:
The Gay Agenda Is Coming for Your Children (in which I cite stats on childhood sexual abuse):
What Is Love? playlist:
Gregory Coles vs James White Debate on "Gay Christian" Identity Commentary:
4 Different Views on Homosexuality and Gender Identity in the Church:
Sexuality Counseling in the 5 Streams (of approaches to homosexuality):
Dismantling the Sexual Orientation Paradigm:
Proof that Reintegrative Therapy Is Safe and Effective:

2:17 The Calvinism debate and discovering Kevin’s channel.
6:52 Commenting on his Natural Man livestream.
21:37 The interview: introducing me.
26:37 Kevin’s preface/disclaimer.
28:40 My story.
38:51 Outcomes of guys in my group.
41:54 Prevalence of sexual abuse among LGBT (with commentary).
49:22 The developmental model for SSA and Reparative Drive Theory.
53:39 Masculine stereotypes.
59:10 Normative sexual attraction development.
1:06:13 My brief commentary on Richard Rohr.
1:10:55 Integrated attraction and Reintegrative Therapy.
1:14:32 The standard Reintegrative Protocol.
1:21:48 The double-bind and shame of the moralistic approach (Mortification Stream).
1:30:04 God doesn’t “take away” same-sex attraction; he fulfills it.
1:35:48 Experiential vs propositional knowing.
1:40:04 Internal vs external validation of masculinity.
1:43:11 Double-binds.
1:46:13 Generational propagation of double-binds.
1:51:26 A church without shame.
1:55:56 Shame-based salience landscaping.
1:58:39 The deficits underlying heterosexual lust.
2:06:15 The debate over Side B “gay Christianity.”
2:13:14 Why I don’t use the term “orientation.”
2:16:52 Research on Reintegrative Therapy and end of interview.
2:20:01 My final thoughts and gratitude to Kevin.

Thank you for watching!
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God bless!
-Andrew Rodriguez

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