
9 months ago


This video, this Psalm, and this long explanation below are about spiritual warfare against evil spirits, unclean, spirits, fallen angels, a.k.a. “demons.” This is done in the spiritual warfare and healing ministry called deliverance where they are removed from their integration into the life of a believer. Despite with so many pastors have falsely and wrongfully taught so many congregations, yes, a Christian can have an evil spirit and can be victimized by them. The process of removing them is not so simple as a two second prayer. It requires a long drawn out and arduous fight, and in the end of this struggle the name and the blood of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit within you and God’s love for you will prevail. But you have to persevere through it.

There are some enemies, some evil spirits and demons that are worse than others, and which kill and rape human beings. These evil spirits, these demons either do it, or they make their inhabited host do it, or they bring other humans to attack their host, whom they inhabit. That is what This is talking about and that’s what I’m talking about below. The Bible prescribes a solution to these kind of exceptionally evil enemies that are beyond the pale. For these evil spirits, there is something described in psalm 149 called “the judgment that is written,” executed with “sharp two-edged sword.” Normally angels don’t die, even if they are defeated, but it is possible for an angel to die, but there is a specific process in spiritual warfare for that to happen and it should NOT be misused. This is not a willy-nilly thing, only certain enemies should be done this way, and only certain enemies should be treated in this way, and it really depends on what the Lord God says and advises you. If you do not have a relationship with the Lord, where you are directly communicating with God and getting Positive feedback that you can confirm is the word of the Lord, I would say that it’s much harder to do this because you have to make right and correct decisions and you don’t always know all the answers properly. I repeat this should not be misused. There are some enemies which are resistors in the enemies camp. The enemy would love for you to execute the judgment on them to get them out of the way. There are some whom the Lord would not have you dispatch in this way. There are some whom the Lord would advise that you should. This permanently takes a specific fallen angelic entity out of the fight until judgment day. It’s a heavy responsibility, but not something you should feel bad for, but it’s not something that should be misused. There’s a very specific situation only in which you should use it. You have to ask the Lord what to do which means you really need to have a back-and-forth conversational relationship with God like so many of the people in the Bible. I’m not gonna say that you absolutely have to, but that would be highly recommended in my opinion. Otherwise, you could be making some mistakes that have consequences. If not for you, then for others.

My advice: ask the Lord if the enemy you face has actually killed other human beings. Some demons have and some demons have not. Some demons never do that ever, some do it sometimes sometimes and some do it willingly. Psalm 149 is for those unclean and evil spirits that need to be permanently put out of the flight because they have raped or killed humans. Sometimes when evil spirits are the life of somebody that they inhabit, they drive that person to do evil things against other others… or else they themselves bring these acts of horrible violence upon the person that they inhabited, like a magnet. Whether they kill their own host or abuse that person, or whether they drive the host to hurt someone else, or in some other way, you must ask the Lord if he members of the enemy you are fighting have committed crimes and are guilty of these things in which case you should use Psalm 149. in conjunction that our genesis chapter 9, “whoever sheds the blood of man by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God made He man.” The scripture, which says “God is not mocked, a man reaps, what he says, whose whoever sows to the flesh shall reap destruction, but whoever sows to the spirit shall reap everlasting life.” Each individual enemy is a man, a person, an individual responsible and accountable before God for whether they feed their sin nature/sinfullness or choose to serve God in the Holy Spirit. Jude chapter 1, verse nine, which mentions the chains of everlasting darkness. The enemy referred to this as the chamber, and it is the place to which you are sending and evil spirit if you enact “the judgment that is written” 149 and the sort of the spirit in psalm 149 against an enemy. On the advice that the Lord has given me I testify that you shouldn’t use this “judgment that is written” against evil spirits who don’t kill or rape, the Lord says you shouldn’t because they are doing it unwillingly and they resist being pressured to do it. But you have to ask the Lord what you should do. You have to ask the Lord if his kingdom will come better with these evil angels, evil, spirits, dead. You have to ask likewise if his will will be done better in that case. And you have to also ask if his children will be safer if this takes place. Based on those answers and what the Lord says, have to come to a decision about it. Is something that God has trusted to human beings to decide. Because he said “whoever sheds the blood of man by MAN, must his blood be shed.” in other words, God will not necessarily tell you what to do. He can shed light on it for you and help you to understand the issue. He knows the best answer, but he is leaving it to your decision. That is God’s sovereign choice. In the song it says “ this honor shall be to all his Saints“ you know the words, the decision and the weighty authority to be able to do that belongs to you the human being who belongs to the Lord God. It wasn’t possible to do this before Jesus saved us on the cross because of our sin, but now that we are forgiven, those legal rights which the enemy used against us in the past are nullified. Make sure you ask God to forgive you and to deliver you. You need deliverance. The GNV translation is significant because it properly translates the word. “deliverance” in this psalm. Essentially, it seems to be that just as God suggested Job to “bury the wicked where they stand“ they just fall right down through the floor into their own little pocket dimension where they are punished and trapped, and they cannot in any way escape whatsoever, and they will be trapped there until the final judgment for them at the great white throne. Permanently puts an enemy angel and evil spirit out of the fight essentially until judgment day. Do not think that you should use this willy-nilly. You should not use this willy-nilly. It is a heavy responsibility and it should not be misused. That’s why this video has an obscuring title, because I only want the people that the Lord brings to it to be able to use it. It is a battle and they can resist you that so it requires persistence in the spiritual warfare of prayer and deliverance, asking God to help you and speaking in the name of Jesus and in/on His blood.

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