Unsustainable: The UN's Agenda for World Domination

8 months ago

Unsustainable: The UN's Agenda for World Domination
Unsustainable wrapped just before the pandemic. A 1976 United Nations resolution sought to move people into mega-cities in a bid to assert control over them.

We as a nation entered uncharted territory Wednesday the 6th and 20th of January, 2021.

Ironically, Doug Tennapel -- a comic book artist -- may have had one of the best running commentaries of what was going on and why certain things were happening.

Doug explained that the Supreme Court may have to get involved along with both houses of Congress and VP Pence. The argument will be whether Mike Pence must be guided by the Electoral Count Act of 1887 or the 12th Amendment. Or whether nothing will happen at all.

My commentary of the day ran as follows:

"No matter what happens we are all witnessing history in the making. That our voting system is checked out and functioning according to the Constitution is more important than who wins a particular election."
Then Josh Hawley emerged on the scene, the first senator that had the guts to stand up and contest the election results. His dissent made it more obvious to many conservatives that WE THE PEOPLE needed to get rid of the RINOS and dead wood and replace them with new talent like Josh and Rand Paul, who had earlier grilled a handful of "no-fraud" apologists in a series of miniature congressional-committee "investigations."

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