The dream I’m working towards

8 months ago

One of my fondest childhood memories is the time spend doing long walks with my parents along the beaches of the Adriatic and Mediterranean Sea. Despite my fear of water and anxiety toward huge waves, it was always my dream to live by the beach, so I could take a long walk like that everyday. This is what I’m working towards these days and hopefully you will see it come true in my next videos.

Until then I make the most of my current access to the North Sea by cold water dipping every Sunday. Maybe it’s just another way to pay my dues before moving on to better things 😅

Hi, my name is Alan Cie. I learned to swim at the age of 32 and it changed my life. I'm making swimming and water an integral part of my life, my job, and my future business.

I talk about anything that is related to swimming, water safety, and water sports. If you would like to offer a collaboration or a joined video together, please reach out via email or Twitter / X.

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