Song of forgotten love

3 months ago

"My Forgotten Love: Actually Sad"

In the quiet corners of my heart, there resides a melody of memories, once vibrant, now faded into echoes of a forgotten love. It's a tale woven with threads of joy and sorrow, where each moment spent together blooms with bittersweet nostalgia.

Once, there was a love that whispered promises under the soft glow of moonlit nights, where laughter danced freely like the wind through autumn leaves. We painted our dreams on the canvas of tomorrow, believing in forever within each other's embrace.

Yet, time proved relentless, etching its mark upon our story. Distance stretched like an unyielding ocean, separating what once beat in harmony. Seasons changed, and so did we, drifting apart like ships in the vast expanse of uncertainty.

Now, the remnants of that love linger in the corners of my memory, a gentle ache that visits when solitude becomes too familiar. The photographs fade, the letters yellow with age, yet the imprint of your presence remains etched in the deepest recesses of my soul.

There are days when I stumble upon a trace of you — a scent, a song, a fleeting glimpse in a crowd — and for a fleeting moment, time rewinds, and I am transported back to the warmth of your gaze, the safety of your embrace.

But reality is a relentless companion, reminding me that our paths diverged long ago. And so, I cherish our story, not for its ending, but for the love it once held, a love that taught me to embrace both the beauty and the ache of letting go.

Love is the one of greatest feeling for expanding the heart.the symphony of life, you were my forgotten love, actually sad yet achingly beautiful in its own right.

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