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KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov’s Warning to the West: Mikki Willis The Epoch Times
KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov’s Warning to the West: Mikki Willis
The Epoch Times
American Thought Leaders
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[FULL TRANSCRIPT BELOW] Filmmaker Mikki Willis is the creator of the “Plandemic” documentary series. In this episode, we dive into KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov’s warnings to the West in 1984, and how he proved shockingly prescient.
“We know how to navigate military war, but when it’s a psychological war, when it’s invisible, and it’s happening in such a way that even really wise, intelligent people can’t perceive, that’s the stuff that gets to even the most protected,” Mr. Willis says.
We also discuss Mr. Willis’s upcoming release, “Plandemic: The Musical.”
“Our creative genius, our music, and everything has been hijacked with these demeaning and demoralizing and divisive messages. And that’s our creativity. And we need to reclaim that and bring our truth and the light to shine into these dark moments,” Mr. Willis says.
*Big thanks to our sponsor for this episode Patriot Gold Group. Check them out here:
Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Jan Jekielek:
Mikki Willis, such a pleasure to have you on American Thought Leaders.
Mikki Willis:
Thanks, Jan. It’s great to be here.
Mr. Jekielek:
I’m absolutely thrilled to have you. We’ve already talked about the Yuri Bezmenov interview back in 1984. He talked about subversion and active measures. You’ve put together this amazing short film that encapsulates the ideas he was desperately trying to share back in1984. When we listen to him today, we’re thinking, “This is actually all happening right now.”
Mr. Willis:
That’s the scary part, really, and that’s why I keep drawing from historic warnings, like the work by G. Edward Griffin that I featured in my film, “The Great Awakening.” In the 60s, he was telling everyone that communism was not dead, that it was coming here, and that we need to be aware. Then in 1984, G. Edward Griffin interviewed Yuri Bezmenov. He was a KGB defector, a man who escaped once he realized truly what kind of psychological subversion that the Soviets were forcing upon other nations around the world.
He made the trek to America and risked his life in really high fashion. If they knew where he was going and what he was doing, he would have been taken out immediately. It took bravery and courage for this man to come here to go on camera and warn America what was coming and that it was invisible. That’s the really terrifying part of all this.
We know how to navigate military war, but when it’s a psychological war, when it’s invisible, and when it’s happening in such a way that even really wise, intelligent people can’t perceive it, that can conquer even the most protected nation. He came here to let us know what was taking place. He had only seen America being the land of the free and the home of the brave. He was shocked in the 80s because he got here and didn’t realize how far advanced the active measures had already reached in the United States. It was shocking to him.
He took it upon himself to do interview after interview to warn America. He said, “Let me tell you from my perspective as a former KGB propagandist. This is what’s happening to the minds of your people and you need to be very careful. The time bomb is ticking and the danger is coming closer and closer.” But no one listened to him. One of the deadliest things that any nation has ever said is, “That can never happen here.” We’ve been saying that for too long. Unfortunately, now it is happening here.
G. Edward Griffin:
Our conversation is with Mr. Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov. He escaped to the West in 1970 after becoming totally disgusted with the Soviet system, and he did this at great risk to his life. He certainly is one of the world’s outstanding experts on the subject of Soviet propaganda, disinformation, and active measures. When the Soviets use the phrase ideological subversion, what do they mean by that?
Yuri Bezmenov:
What ideological subversion or active measures or psychological warfare
means is changing the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite an abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country. It’s a great brainwashing
process which goes very slowly. It’s divided into four basic stages.
The first one is demoralization. It takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number of years required to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy and expose them to your ideology. In other words, Marxist-Leninist ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations of American students.
The next stage is destabilization in the most essential areas; the economy, foreign relations, and defense systems. You can see quite clearly that in such sensitive areas like defense and the economy, the influence of Marxist-Leninist ideas in the United States has been absolutely effective. I never would have believed 14 years ago when I landed in this part of the world that the process would go that fast
The next stage is crisis. It may take only six weeks to bring a country to the verge of crisis. You can see it happening in Central America now. After a crisis and a violent change of power structure and economy, you have the so-called period of normalization, which may last indefinitely.
G. Edward Griffin:
What can we do? What is your recommendation to the American people?
Yuri Bezmenov:
The immediate thing that comes to mind is that there must be a very strong national effort to educate people in the spirit of real patriotism. Number two; explain to them the real danger of socialist, communist, and welfare state government. If people fail to grasp the impending danger of that development, then nothing can ever help the United States. You can kiss your freedom goodbye. As I said, I am now in your boat. If we can sing together, we'll sing together beautifully, because there is no other place on this planet to defect to.
Mr. Jekielek:
He was seeing something that was actually happening back then. How did so many of us not grasp this for the longest time?
Mr. Willis:
It’s time for people to realize that we all play a part in this awakening. By design, we’ve been wired to wait for the superhero to sweep in and save us. That has never happened in history and it never will happen. But there is a real true individual calling, if you understand the work of Joseph Campbell and the hero’s journey. The hero always discovered one thing on the journey, so much so that it’s become cliche through a lot of the iconic movies that have used the hero journey structure. It is that the hero within is the one you have been looking for. The reluctant hero goes out to find the hero, only to discover that the journey was building him or her up to the point that they could dissolve everything that wasn’t the hero. Then they could stand up and truly awaken to the fact they were the one they were looking for.
That’s a very important message for people to understand right now. We are like the cells in the body of an organism. All of the cells bring life, and all of the cells matter. When the cells are fighting and when the cells are stagnant the organism is not healthy. It’s time for us to revive that call for life, that call to procreate, and that call to take back our creative talents and our creative genius.
Everything has been hijacked with these demeaning and demoralizing and divisive messages. We need to reclaim our creativity and bring our truth and light to shine into these dark moments. That is what we’ve been building towards for generations. When I look at it from that perspective, I feel very fortunate to be alive in this moment and play some little role in this awakening.
Mr. Jekielek:
Concerning the demoralization aspect, there are many people that are deeply demoralized to the point where they’re looking outside for solutions. They are looking to people that can never provide them with the solutions.
Mr. Willis:
You’re touching on something that is a major concern for me. I have two kids, nine and twelve-years-old. When I look at the level of demoralization that’s taking place in America, I believe that a lot of the tyrannical policies, the ESG policies, and the woke agenda will be dissolved. There’s a lot of people waking up to a sense of patriotism that they otherwise would not have. They have learned to love their country through all this mess.
We’re going to elevate our consciousness. This level of demoralization that is leading to mental illness is something that I can’t see us getting rid of for a generation or so. What is happening out there is mostly through a lot of the apps that are indoctrinating our children from such a young age. They are taught to believe that nature is so fallible that they could be in the wrong body, and that there is no intelligent force that could possibly help them heal that dysfunction.
I look at that and wonder, “Where is the safe space for my children?” Where are they going to find that?” I have really strong, very clear-headed boys that my wife and I have brought into the world. They understand everything that is going on. They are very bulletproof to any of these ideologies.
When they hear a kid at camp they‘ll come home and say, “You got to hear what these kids are saying, dad.” They know the difference between what’s real and natural and these new, fabricated ideologies. They know what’s good for them, I’ll put it that way. But it’s been difficult as a parent that wants to grant them freedom to participate in sports and baseball and the trampoline park.
But always have that thought of mine in my mind of what are they going to encounter?” I have to warn them, because so many kids are watching porn at a very young age now, and they start to talk about it. My 12-year-old son has already had kids say, “Hey, I want to show you something.” Then my son says, “My dad warned me about this. I don’t want to see it.”
I told him what it will do to his mind. I said, “Your curiosity will want to see it more than anything, because there’s a natural tendency in you to be curious about the gift of procreation. That’s what causes us to be attracted to the opposite sex. That drive to procreate is natural. But this form of sexuality is hyper-sexuality that is dark and demented.
If you allow yourself to experience that in your formative years it will very likely negatively affect your relationships and the way you relate to women in the future. You should be very careful about the long-term effects of these curiosities.” Thankfully, so far, my boys have been really strong at resisting the stuff that they offered to look at.
Mr. Jekielek:
This is one of the really huge elephant-in-the-room issues that no one ever wants to talk about, maybe because so many people have been compromised by it. I’ve also tried to avoid it as well.
Mr. Willis:
Mr. Jekielek:
Yes. It’s available to you from the moment you can hold an electronic device. We have learned as we’re interviewing in the last few days that people have been experimenting with Google Gemini. This is one of the most powerful Google AI programs out there with a very comprehensive database of information. However, it misrepresents history and chooses images in very extreme ways. It will not portray white people positively, and in some cases it will refuse to portray them at all. We are talking here about ideological subversion and demoralization
Mr. Willis:
This is where we’re at and it’s horrifying. It’s really horrifying to see the level of psychological subversion that humans are capable of, and then the AI can take it to the next level. When we start to limit the honest portrayal of humanity through technology, it’s a real issue. But it’s not shocking to me at all at this point.
First of all, let’s back up and ask, “What is the overall agenda?” America has a Constitution in order to protect the individual from the tyranny of authoritarians. That is one of the main reasons America was established. There are other countries that are far more beautiful and tropical. But people are not escaping to America for its beauty. They’re escaping because of the constitutional protection for the individual rights we have been granted.
They’re escaping because they recognize it in their third world countries that the family has been diminished. They don’t have the freedom of speech that we’re actually losing here in America day by day. They don’t have that basic human right of free expression, so they all want to come to America and be in the firewall for the globalist agenda.
There’s a major agenda now by those who want total domination and control to create a world with one central power and one currency
on a global level. They don’t want outliers, those countries that are playing a different game. That is what happened with Covid where certain nations and certain states didn’t play the game. We now have outliers that we can look at and these are the best case studies we will ever have.
Why is 4 percent of the African population vaccinated and the people there are doing better healthwise? These nations or states that didn’t lock down or force social distancing, why are their economies doing better? Their health rates are better. What is happening there?
For the powers that be to achieve their global Agenda, they can’t have these individual territories thinking for themselves. That is at the root of their agenda. America’s strength is not just military strength, but it’s also about the pride and spirit of America. Americans are very different from many people around the world, for better and for worse.
How will they try to erode that firewall around America? You have to understand what that firewall is made of, and then what compounds will erode and take down that wall, which is the foundation of our nation. You have to ask yourself, “What is worth living and dying for?” I guarantee you that whatever your answers are, those things are under attack. Some people would say faith, family, freedom, or country—every single one of those things are under attack.
With the majority of the European archetype of people, men are intrinsically the protectors and the warriors. Then white men are going to be on that list of things that must be dissolved. They can’t have that in their agenda. But I believe now more than ever their agenda is failing. Just in the last four years, everyone is aware of this agenda. That is the upside of the tragedy of Covid. It allowed many dark things to come to light. That’s why I named my latest film, “The Great Awakening.” I truly believe that we are in The Great Awakening at this moment.
Mr. Jekielek:
Can you remind us where you came from? You made these films focusing on Yuri Bezmenov and also the true threat of the Chinese Communist Party. Please tell us your story.
Mr. Willis:
I was born and raised in California. As a result of that, I had one political path to choose from, and that was the Left path, so I became a far-Left progressive. I went on the road with Bernie Sanders in 2016 to produce media for him.
Mr. Jekielek:
Why was that attractive to you? Why did you gravitate there?
Mr. Willis:
There is a backstory to that. I was raised by a single mom. She had four kids on her own and was part of the welfare system. Bernie’s rhetoric about helping and lifting up single mothers really reached me. I remember the first time I heard him speak, I said out loud, “Where was he when I was growing up?” We were very poor. My sister stole toilet paper from the gas station at the end of the month. We would run out of our funding.
But despite that, I always felt that I had a great life because I had a truly loving mother. All my sisters and brothers were 14 to16 years older than me. My older brother was gay and contracted AIDS, so I watched him live with AIDS for eight years. Then Anthony Fauci came out and prescribed the medicine known as AZT.
Now, my brother would have lived forever. He was doing well, but his doctors told him that this was the thing that would help him and actually make HIV go away. He started on the protocol and day by day got worse and worse. He looked like a skeleton of a man. It was really hard to witness that.
My mother was concerned and would tell the doctors, “This is not working. He’s getting worse. I’m concerned about my son.” They said, “No, he’s just acclimating to the medicine. If you take him off it, he will die.” It’s so very similar to what’s happening right now in America with so many people that were coerced and forced into getting the vaccine and then it ended up damaging their loved ones. Right now, they’re dealing with the grief, the shame, and the guilt of that.
My mom was a cancer survivor and would have lived a long life. But she had the guilt and the shame of knowing that she was part of the decision to keep my brother on that deadly protocol. She didn’t listen to my brother’s community that was saying the medicine was killing people, not the virus. It was the medicine. It was so much for her to handle that she allowed her cancer to come back and within 34 days after my brother’s death, my mom died.
This was a huge wake-up for me. As a young man at age 23, I developed this distrust for Western medicine, as you might understand. I went on to pursue my career in Hollywood. I was in front of the camera for a few years, but I really fell out of love with that very fast. I didn’t like the attention. I was much more interested in watching what the crew was doing and how they were lighting the set.
Then I went behind the camera. I built my own theater. I taught acting for several years, then directed stage and theater plays and really cut my teeth doing that. The first thing I ever did behind the camera was in the heyday of infomercials. I was asked to co-direct an infomercial for the Vitamix machine and it did really well.
Suddenly, I’m directing infomercials of all things, which actually informs some of my work right now. You have to learn how to understand the audience that you’re speaking to, because they’re long-form commercials. You will know how well you’ve done by the sales of the product that you’re selling. It was a great education to understand the psychology of how to speak to the audience through the medium of video.
But I stayed out of politics. I was totally allergic to anything that sounded like a conspiracy theory. Every time I would hear the word Illuminati or all this stuff that people would pass around Hollywood, I would just roll my eyes. I wanted nothing to do with anything that sounded like some crazy conspiracy theory.
Then I’m on the road and Bernie comes out. I get inspired by his rhetoric and get really fired up. He’s passing through my hometown and I got a press pass. While I’m filming him, one of the celebrities that was traveling with him had been following me on social media, because I used to release a lot of father-son videos on Facebook and they became very popular.
Rosario Dawson, the actress, had been sharing a lot of my videos. She saw me behind the camera and said, “Why don’t you go on tour with us? We’re doing a whole tour with Bernie all the way from California to Philadelphia. We'd love to have you.” I said, “Sure, let’s go.”
I jumped on the road with them and traveled from California to Philadelphia. During that time I had my political awakening. I started seeing these young people on the tour wearing Che Guevara shirts, Mao Zedong hats, and communist sickle and hammer stickers on their laptops and their water bottles. I asked one kid, “Are you trying to be edgy? What is that on your laptop there?”
He pulled me behind the curtain and said, “We’re all democratic socialists, but what we really want is communism.” I laughed and said, “You’re joking, right?” He said, “No, but I can tell by the way you’re reacting that you think it’s the old communism. No, it’s a different kind of communism. It’s one that’s never been attempted and it’s benevolent.”
I drill in and ask, “How does it work? What is good about it? Why is it different? It basically led to the state owning and controlling everything.” He says, “We’re going to redistribute the wealth.” I reply, “OK, where does that money go? How does it get redistributed through the government? You’re giving the government more and more of your tax money, and more and more power. Do you understand this is not a new communism? This is what has always happened.”
I knew enough about this to at least say that. But this was a shock for me. Long story short, I came off the Bernie tour broken hearted. It was my political awakening and I wanted nothing to do with politics ever again. That’s when I started to do my research and study what was really going on with this thing called democratic socialism.
All roads trace back to China and influence from other Soviet Marxist ideologies that have already been attempted and have been atrocious around the world. I thought I had a moral obligation now that I helped elevate Bernie’s campaign and this message. Now, I needed to spend the rest of my life on the other side of this and be a better journalist and undo some of the damage that I had done.
Mr. Jekielek:
Along the way, Covid happens. How did you react to that?
Mr. Willis:
A year before Covid happened, I was introduced to Dr. Judy Mikovits. I was told that she had an Erin Brockovich-type story and we should turn it into a movie. I met with Judy and liked her immediately. I knew that she was an honest person. She might be wrong about data, but she was telling the truth from her perspective.
I reviewed this conversation that I had with her and everything checked out. It was kind of shocking to me. But I was committed to a documentary that I was already making called, “The Narrative,” to expose Western media. I had also done a lot of research on that. I’ve done a lot of jobs in the mainstream media and I’ve been in boardrooms and know how it works. I was tired of it being so divisive and doing so much damage. As a father, I just thought that I had to expose Western media.
I told Judy, “Unfortunately, I can’t make your film. I’m tied up for the next 18 months, but I'll pitch it around because I think it’s a movie that needs to be made.” Flash forward to a year later, and the pandemic is announced. As soon as I saw Anthony Fauci, I immediately called Judy because I remember from my talk with her that she worked with him. I said, “I want to get your take on this. What do you see?”
Judy started to talk a mile-a-minute. I ended up inviting her to my studio and said, “Let’s do a little interview just like we’re doing now. I‘ll edit it together on my own and I’ll pay for it. I'll put it out on my Facebook and give it to you. Maybe you can use this to get your movie made,” because I always felt bad that I wasn’t able to make her movie.
As I’m listening to the interview, I’m thinking to myself, “If this is true, the world needs to know about this. I took that footage and edited the interview. Then I asked her to give me all the contacts from everyone involved; attorneys, prosecutors, and everyone connected to her trial. I called every single one of them and they all said, “Everything she is telling you is true. She is one of the most honest ladies you will ever meet.”
One attorney said, “I have no dog in this fight. I don’t represent her anymore and that was ten years ago. I’m going to let you know she’s the most honest client that I have ever represented. She’s a wonderful woman. Trust what she says.” I said, “Wow, okay.”
Then I looked up the NIH, Ralph Baric, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Bayh-Dole Act, and all these things that she mentioned, and everything checked out. I then realized this was important and I needed to raise some money and turn this into a short documentary. I needed to take this seriously, because there was a bombshell of information there.
We did that and put it out to the world. To my absolute, utter shock, overnight it was getting millions of views. I actually thought the ticker counter was broken at Facebook. At the beginning, it was just people saying thank you. There were people crying and saying. You helped me realize that I’m not crazy. I knew something was going on.” It felt wonderful.
Two days later after this thing went mega-viral and had hundreds of millions of views, the media stepped in and because all they could see online was that I was a Lefty, they couldn’t call me far-Right. They couldn’t put me in that category of neo-Nazi, so they just went hard attacking my character, my wife, and my family.
It was so much so that my little town of Ojai, California, which is known for being one of the enlightened meccas of California, started a petition to make my family move. They were reporting us to Child Protective Services to take our children, all for trying to wake people up to the realities of what was really happening. That film goes on to become the most seen independent movie in history with probably somewhere around 1.5 billion views at this point.
But it was because of the power of the people. I gave the file to the world and advised everyone to download it because they were going to shut my accounts down. I said, “Put it on your computer and share, share, share.” The world became our distribution model. I’m forever grateful to people for doing that. They have continued to do that with the entire series.
Mr. Jekielek:
That is an astonishing story. There have been multiple sequels now to the original film, “The Great Awakening.” You also have a musical coming out.
Mr. Willis:
That’s right. People think the musical is some kind of a joke or an online meme. No, we actually created, “Plandemic, the Musical,” which is marking the end of the pandemic. I said, “Let’s go out with a bang.” For me, it’s time to move on to other work. The musical is only 20 minutes long, but it’s an epic little movie that we’ve been working on for two years. It’s a call for people to stand up and to revive their creative genius and bring their unique gifts to this historic fight.
It has actually exceeded my expectations. It’s a musical. It was risky, but it was fun. Three years ago, we were actually at Del Bigtree’s house, who is a very beloved freedom fighter out in the world. We were maybe induced by a glass or two of wine. My friend DPAK was there with an acoustic guitar, and he turned out being the musical director of, “Plandemic, the Musical.”
We were making up songs and trying to lighten up. The world is in lockdown, and here we were, 50 people with no mask and drinking wine and enjoying Thanksgiving dinner. We’re singing parody songs and it is so fun and entertaining. I looked around the room and realized that we’re not poking fun at the pandemic because this is a very serious tragedy.
It is the greatest crime against humanity ever and people have suffered and died. We’re not poking fun. It is a time to use the power of comedy and music and human genius, while they’re chipping away at everything worth living and dying for, while they’re making jokes a punishable crime, while they’re canceling everyone for daring to think for themselves.
It’s time for us to counter that and go in the opposite direction. It is what happened during the Renaissance. That’s why you see that the costumes back then were so fabulous and beautiful. People were so oppressed by the Dark Ages that when they came out, they came out so fabulously. They said, “We are here, we have arrived. We are back and we’re not going to let this darkness smother us any longer.”
When that colorful, beautiful, creative human spirit is unleashed again, we can reverse engineer that globalist agenda. What are we afraid of? Instead of running away from what we’re afraid of, we need to run into it. Everyone is trying to evade being canceled these days. I say to everyone, “Do everything in your power to get canceled.”
Honestly, it’s difficult in the beginning. You have a lot of people that are posing as friends that suddenly turn on you, and it’s shocking. But the other side of getting canceled is that the truth shall set you free. It is the pathway to freedom. Now, I can just be me and say what I want to say. All the people in my life know what I stand for, and they stand there with me.
When I was part of the far-Left, I realized that we are all bonded by agreement. We were not bonded because we love each other, because we relate to each other, or because we’re chemically attracted to each other. We’re bonded by ideological agreements. If I don’t check every single box within this cult, I’m out.
You have to agree with everything and put every single check in every single box. It’s a very fragile way to be in relationship with people. That’s what we call collectivism. That’s what you have to do to survive within a collective based upon and bonded by agreement. You have to shut down your critical thinking ability and your individual thinking ability so that you are not constantly challenged by the statements and beliefs of your tribe.
You have to just shut it down and say, “It’s safer not to think. It is safer not to listen to what they’re really saying. It is safer not to examine these ideologies that I’m marching for. I don’t even think about it. I just march.
I just hold up the sign.”
You can see this when you see the man on the street interviews of people out there marching and so absolutely passionate about their cause. Then somebody puts a microphone in their face and asks them a simple question. One might be about Trump being a racist. They are asked, “Can you give me one example of where he’s racist?” They say, “It’s obvious everywhere.” Then they are asked, “How about just one example?” They can’t give one. They bought into something so passionately that it leads them to go to a protest and chant something that has no real world evidence to support it.
TThat’s the danger of collectivism which creates a hive mentality. That is the way that China has captured 1.4 billion highly intelligent Chinese people. How do you get them to submit to the model that they’re living under right now? It is called collectivism.
Mr. Jekielek:
I started out in China human rights before I came into The Epoch Times,
one of the few outlets that is honest about the Chinese Communist Party, its role in China, its impact on the Chinese people, and their egregious crimes against humanity. You weren’t initially aware of this type of thing, but I came in while being aware of it. How did you come to gain awareness on these current issues?
Mr. Willis:
I have a big whiteboard behind my editing bay and each subject that I could identify as an issue I'll write it down on the board; border security, fentanyl, the indoctrination of our children with critical race theory, or whatever it might be. Certain names will keep showing up. If I look at the fentanyl crisis, one of the greatest killers of Americans right now, I want to find the source. Then I will learn that almost 100 percent of it is coming from China. Then I say, “That’s interesting. I need to look into this further. What is this Confucius Institute thing? What’s happening with that?”
Then you start to just look in general. What are the things that you can’t criticize? What are the questions you can’t ask? If you want to know the truth and you want to know who’s actually ruling over you, just look at the people and things you can’t criticize and you can’t investigate. The more I looked into this, the more I kept seeing all these recurring names. I looked into the production of precious minerals, batteries, and everything needed to develop our cell phones. Being so dependent upon another nation in terms of trade is dangerous.
Our college professors are passing on Marxist, socialist, and communist ideologies to their students these days. A lot of that has been imported from China. When you start to look at every area, you just can’t deny there’s something happening and it’s not good. It feels like we are being invaded. Perhaps these countries realize that we all have nuclear power now. Having two or more nuclear superpowers like America and China go to war would lead to the annihilation of all countries.
Someone asked me why I thought China was such a threat. I want to be clear on this. I love the Chinese people, but I’m talking about the Chinese Communist Party. It’s the tortoise and the hare. We Americans have been wired for instant gratification. We are moving so fast in the U.S that when the little wheel comes up on our screen and spins for three seconds we get frustrated. We want everything right now.
The Chinese mentality is preparing for the hundred-year march, very meticulously, and very methodically. You never will witness the grass growing in your yard. Only until you step away for a few weeks and come back do you realize that it has grown. That’s what makes them so dangerous. We are the hare and they are the tortoise, in that we’re running in circles and exhausting ourselves with all these ideologies and arguing over all these superficial trivial points.
China is laughing, Iran is laughing, and Russia is laughing. They’re gradually encroaching on our territory. They are buying our land, our food supply, and our technologies. Their spies are everywhere with the intention to become the dominant superpower.
What does that mean for the survival of America? I don’t know. But all this is taking place right now. There are already predictions that in just a few years China will be the economic superpower of the world. What does that mean? Is the dollar collapsing? What will that mean for our future? It’s time that we wake up and understand what is going on.
For me, the answer is sovereignty. It’s the same way that we developed a technology called blockchain, which is a decentralized technology. We need to start looking at how to decentralize in such a way that we bring back that constitutional, individual power. We need to become self-reliant as an individual, as a city, as a county, and as a nation. We need to produce our own food and our own energy.
We need to move in the opposite direction of globalism which is the centralization of everything. For me, that is the answer. Anyone who is running for office needs to be focused on bringing back our sovereignty. We need to be a sovereign nation that is dependent upon no other nation. We need to know that we have it all within our nation and we can take care of ourselves.
Every individual county and state also has that sovereign ability to say that we are good, just like every family at the micro level. Every family needs to spend more time getting to know their children, because the children are being raised by iPads these days. Have dinner together at the table and speak to each other. Talk about how we protect ourselves.
Come back into those traditional roles where the father can be the father again and the mother can be that beautiful, nurturing figure in the upbringing of our children. Come back to those things.
Because those are the things that we’ve been lulled away from. We’ve been convinced they were wrong and outdated and the reason why America has done so much damage in the world.
In the same way that we can’t be so myopic as to hate another nation’s people because of what their authoritarian tyrannical government has done. We need to start looking at each other as humans again and not these machines under the stranglehold of a force. That is all about division and dependency.
We can come back to putting our hands in the soil and growing our own food again. We can come back to educating our children again. You mentioned the issue of porn. It’s one of the most demoralizing, dangerous tools being used to destroy both boys and girls now. It was a boy thing before, but it’s now reached little girls.
Females have now surpassed men now in depression and anxiety. Now, these 40 to 50-year-old women on TikTok are crying and pouring their hearts out, realizing that they were bamboozled into a life that has led them to loneliness and anxiety and depression. They never had the gift of having a child or of having a man to love and protect them.
Those are the things we have to recognize as the most destructive and
dangerous. All of these ideologies have repelled the innate primal attraction between men and women. I want to start by undoing that, coming back into our natural way of being, and co-creating life together.
Mr. Jekielek:
Two quick thoughts. Concerning the CCP, we already know they want the all-encompassing power of their technocratic social credit system controlling every aspect of your life. In the West we’ve become obsessed with creating a similar thing, which also speaks to this communist subversion. This is not the natural human inclination. The second thing is I would love to collaborate with you on a short episode on the effects of porn. Perhaps we could collaborate on something small to expose this and understand it better.
Mr. Willis:
I would love to.
Mr. Jekielek:
A final thought as we finish up?
Mr. Willis:
I recently directed a piece for Prager University called MIA, which is an acronym for Masculinity in America. It was shocking to me, because I thought I was up to speed on the damage that porn has done. We had a lot of top experts in this short documentary talking about what has really transpired. I would jump at an opportunity to get the latest statistics of what’s happening out in the world.
Because it’s a drug and it’s like all drugs. There are gateways out there that lead to deadly drugs, and that’s what porn has become. In our day, maybe it was Playboy, which was the big thing. It’s starting with nude photos, then to soft core, then to hard core. It ends up in this world where it’s strangulation porn.
Mr. Jekielek:
This is unfathomable.
Mr. Willis:
It truly is. Here we have a 12-year-old boy thinking that women want to be choked when they’re making love. This is a problem. Some of these young boys have made that mistake in their exploration of their sexuality and have been charged with rape or something horrible. Their dad didn’t teach them and their dad isn’t there for some reason. They learned from watching these horrible people do this camera. This needs to be exposed.
In closing, I appreciate what you and The Epoch Times have done. I am really grateful for what you are doing and thank you so much for supporting me and my work.
Mr. Jekielek:
Mikki Willis. It’s such a pleasure to have you on the show.
Mr. Willis:
Thank you so much.
Mr. Jekielek:
Thank you all for joining Mikki Willis and me on this episode of American Thought Leaders. I’m your host, Jan Jekielek.
This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.
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