the world is nuanced but its' people are very B/W

8 months ago

man i look so much better w/out colour
why am i getting perturbed by this statement
bear w/ me, we will eventually change the cd
there are always people that can educate but they will get shut down
we know what's wrong but we also know the way things are
most of our problems really center w/in ourselves
understanding is quite the tool box
meet em where they are even if it's Hell
Proverbs 23:23
buy the truth and sell it not...exactly
they're just proving how jewish they are suckin the dick of the booking agent
if you show up for the photo op you will probably get more career opportunities
my principles don't seem to involve socializing
glad that i read this earlier cos it's just been weighing me down somewhat
the many facets of the american dream that are total horseshit
if you don't have it w/ yourself then you will never get it
nothing will ever be enough
life goal: work on oneself
life is a destination for most
why would i envy normies
they're jealous of the persona
you just never know who's gonna be jealous of you
wouldn't that be nice if you could go
wouldn't that be nice to be friends w/ everything
don't fight what you are, figure it out damnit
the other gals are pretty stupid, i am just unabashedly bonkers
i'd rather not talk shit about women, but i want them to do better
conduct, not identity CONDUCT not identity
women are bio/psych wired to behave oppositional to what the world is pushing since the late sixties
the answer to this problem could not be simpler (which is why women complicate it)
why it doesn't make sense for women to be involved in politics
feminize things in order to complicate the world henceforth turning it to shit
show me the evidence that people are happier these days
just 20 years ago really
i disavow mistreatment, at the same time revoke women's rights
feminism does not solve the woman problem
just no violence, that's it
they just used women to push these progressive policies
man i woulda loved the hell outta the past...maybe
i started my period today, always excited
no faith in settling down, no visual
schizos are cast outta society cos we are totally counter-culture
spending so much time in Scripture ville who gives a fuck about internet ville

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