Cancer, Fenbendazole, and Joe Tippens' Protocol

3 months ago

Have you heard about The Joe Tippens cancer curing protocol?

He Used:
❤️‍🩹vitamin E
❤️‍🩹cbd Oil
❤️‍🩹berberine + Quercetin

Everyone Should
Know This!


It is IMPOSSIBLE to catch a virus. Viruses are created in your body by over toxification caused by parasites and the waste they leave, which causes cells to become cancerous. Rid your body of parasites, and you'll never experience the symptoms of a virus.

FENBENDAZOLE works perfectly because cancerous cells are created by PARASITES.

Tumors are simply your body isolating parasites and their castings into a ‘bag’ to stop the poison leeching into your body.

To understand what’s really occurring please note that under Parasite Loading levels, Stage 4 Cancer victims are noted as a category who are ‘Heavily Infested.’ The drug companies want you to believe this occurs after. But it actually occurred first, and that with the declining health the parasites are simply multiplying in an ever increasing toxic environment until they overload the Host.

Nuke the parasites, and you nuke the problem.

Parasites are put in all vaccines and much of the food we eat, that’s not an accident.

See Joe Tippins on YouTube for his life saving protocol using FENBENDAZOLE.
It’s easy to follow, and you feel soooo good once you lighten the parasite load even just a bit.

Joe Tippens a cancer patient who was given three months to live, took a combination of nutrients including fenbendazole, while deciding not to change his diet & it worked.

• Fenbendazole (222mg)
• Vitamin E (800IU daily)
• Curcumin (600mg daily)
• CBD oil (25mg per day)


Anti-Worm drug, Fenbendazole, effective at killing cancer

A Drug For Animals Now Taken By Humans For Cancer Fenbendazole

Fenbendazole Cancer Protocol

What Is Fenbendazole. How Can It Affect Cancer Treatment?

Note- First you’ll have to put up with some Flu like symptoms as the parasites die off and your body burns them up for disposal. Just don’t eat initially, but drink lots of water and sleep a lot. This reaction is called the Herxhiemer effect. When the Parasites begin to die off, they emit toxins, (their defense mechanism) which cause one to have Flu like symptoms.

When I first started taking Ivermectin, after I experienced the Flu strain they call "Covid", I began to experience a severe reaction, and at the time, I had absolutely NO IDEA why my whole body had the hives, my feet and hands swelled up to about 50% larger, I could not stop rubbing and scratching, I took some Prednisolone, and within a few hours, it started going away. Whatever symptons you might experience, just handle it, push through, you'll be glad you did, it will end soon, then all the parasites will die off, and the cancer cells will disappear.


Joe Tippens,281,2968&q=689

Apricot kernels and empty gel capsules on Amazon, grind them up in a coffee grinder, and take two capsules a day prophylactically.

Remember, many Doctors were and still are being funded via the back door from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Big Pharma. Many of those Doctors will soon discover their fate at the hands of the military for not just pushing a covid vaccine that was never a vaccine but they actually got financially rewarded for every jab administered.

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