What is the deal (now passed) in the IHR / Pandemic Treaty bait and switch ? Chris Sky & more in the description box

9 months ago

What is the deal in the IHR / Pandemic Treaty (accords / agreement) ?

1. From 1860 - 1880 the Global DEBT facility and trusts into the creation of the Central banks in 1913 (Tolkien’s rings within rings to bind them) all nations governments have become corrupted by debt, inflation and worthless currencies until the world is 'Quadrillions' in debt

2. By '9/11' and into the 2008 - 2014 financial crash all governments were infiltrated by state 'capitalist' corporations (PLC or PPP etc) who also issue debt but as legal fictions who can only contract with other legal fiction corporations who try to merge Royalists and Republicans into 1 entity

3. From 2008 into 2020 (Agenda 20 - 30) these Global corrupted governments were (as WEF Klaus Schwab said) finally fully infiltrated by the technocracy 4th industrial revolution (you will own nothing & be happy) Great Reset which to rule by tokenisation or securitisation of all assets indebted or 'owned' by you

+ The IHR has been agreed by the WHO, with the 'option' that all infiltrated nations sign up to it by signature, yet this is not the removal of ‘Sovereignty’?

All of these institutions are legal fictions (such as 'Britain PLC' or the WHO or United Nations & financial institutions) and the Law of the Land has supremacy as the 'people' who are living flesh and blood men and woman
(x 7.5 billion)

Chris Sky explains what occurred by 1.6.24 as World Government and depopulation (in that the Pandemic treaty is exactly the same for all practical purposes as the IHR International Health Regulations)

Awaiting the World 'to sign up' to the new existing de facto legal fiction government by agreement, coercion, assassination or bribe to 'make a treaty'

Previous videos in this channel show the theatrical 'process' since April 2024
(which began in early 2020)

+ Contrary to the legacy mainstream media and a high percentage of the alternative media the IHR International Health regulations have passed (1.6.2024) and they are identical to a Treaty (accord / agreement)

Funding waterfalls for this new global health system were agreed in the 2015 Paris ‘Climate’ accords which are now a treaty. Measures to bring Genetics (experimental dangerous or fatal in alteration as 'side effects') centre and main to all health systems is already agreed and trillions (above all nations combined GDP ) are available with minor disagreements as to each nations % profits. Climate is improved by depopulation

In an emergency under the IHR, as any variant or flu or avian bird or pox, can be now enacted to lockdown people or food sources and farms for disease culling animals or for climate change, can be quickly empowered globally. Millions of chickens and cattle have already been culled and grain and food distribution reduced, and the IHR brings consistency and uniformity to pandemic or climate response. Trump in 2020 suspended the US constitution and has suggested it again in 2023. Genocide has to be profitable at all levels

See also


Wu, Katherine J Oct 2020 Crispr Gene Editing Can Cause Unwanted Changes in Human Embryos, Study Finds New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/31/health/crispr-genetics-embryos.html

Sufian, Sandy, Garland Thomson, Rose ,Marie Feb 2021 “The Dark side of Crispr” Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-dark-side-of-crispr/

Ninth Circuit Court Rules Correctly COVID-19 mRNA Injections Are Not Legitimate State Interest Due To Being A Treatment, Not A Preventative | This Is All We Need To DESTROY WHO & FDA (not a vaccine) https://loudobbs.com/news/breaking-9th-circuit-court-of-appeals-rules-mrna-covid-19-jab-is-not-a-vaccine-under-traditional-medical-definitions/ and also

Epoch times "ONS Admits Vaccinated People Who Died Were Classed as Unvaccinated" https://www.theepochtimes.com/world/ons-admits-vaccinated-people-who-died-were-classed-as-unvaccinated-5656555 (with 2 billion injured the counting of dead as unvaccinated (every nations stats) could push 17 to 20 million up much much higher

17 Million Vax Deaths. "No Lives Were Saved From COVID Vaccines" Scientist Dennis Rancourt https://www.bitchute.com/video/bgEZpKzRR9xw/

https://www.bitchute.com/video/aGoxV90AXD4T/ .

The Gnostic Bio-Medical Convergence Religion (or Cult ?) Scientism & 'Directed Evolution' The Fabian Socialist eugenicist (r)-evolution to become as 'gods' https://rumble.com/v2uesey-the-gnostic-bio-medical-convergence-religion-or-cult-scientism-and-directed.html

Crispr Gene editing tech in mRNA vaccine given to Billions of people bypass & destroy immune systems https://www.bitchute.com/video/FQUMYYk7dbL1/

Greg Reece UN Troops Being Brought in as Migrant Refugees https://rumble.com/v4v1z8w-un-troops-being-brought-in-as-migrant-refugees.html

The treaty agreement accords etc ...have been finalized since 2022 "PANDEMIC TREATY FINALISED, DR FRANCIS BOYLE & MIKE ADAMS ISSUE URGENT WARNING ON WHO PANDEMIC TREATY" https://www.bitchute.com/video/JyGiGTnkcAiR/

Eugenics "Gene Theraphy" Pfizer’s mRNA Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Is Converted to DNA:and the crispr cuts the DNA like a scissors Study https://www.theepochtimes.com/pfizers-mrna-vaccine-goes-into-liver-cells-and-is-converted-to-dna-study_4458487.html?utm_source=morningbriefnoe&utm_campaign=mb-2022-05-13&utm_medium=email&est=065B4eAX4%2FHgqgaL%2FTY%2FzIBzw%2FcGdc%2BF6NVXe%2FnLBpnvyOwSHMz73GIOapd7cpk%3D

"British Government Admits: COVID-19 Vaccines PERMANENTLY DAMAGE Natural Immune System" https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/british-government-admits-covid-19-vaccines-permanently-damage-natural-immune-system

41.5K people died within 21 days of Covid VaXX in England & a further 291K died within 6 months https://www.bitchute.com/video/f6v187AfPD9n/

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