America prefers to build high-cost weapons, so now we can't make shells

3 months ago

Video: America prefers to build high-cost weapons, so now we can't make shells. Plus the Russia problem 美國更喜歡製造高成本的武器,所以現在我們不能製造砲彈。再加上俄羅斯問題

War planners in the US and Europe have admitted surprise that the conflict in the Ukraine has lasted for more than a few weeks. And decades of neglecting basic weapons manufacturing in favor of high-cost, high tech weapons have left our arsenals empty.

This is evident across many weapons platforms, but especially so for 155-mm shells, the most common artillery shell in the world today. Russia, assisted by North Korea and Iran, are producing and firing weeks' worth of Western production every day in Ukraine, and NATO countries are scrambling to catch up. The United States also is struggling to resupply Israeli forces, and to restock our own inventories, but sufficient domestic production is still at least two years away and will need to be subsidized for years after.

In previous deployments of US precision munitions in Ukraine, Russian countermeasures were quickly adapted to render them useless.

美國和歐洲的戰爭策劃者承認,烏克蘭衝突已經持續了幾週多,這讓他們感到驚訝。 幾十年來忽視基本武器製造而轉而青睞高成本、高科技武器的做法導致我們的武庫空空如也。

這在許多武器平台上都很明顯,但對於當今世界上最常見的砲彈 155 毫米砲彈來說尤其如此。 俄羅斯在北韓和伊朗的協助下,每天在烏克蘭生產和燃燒相當於西方幾週產量的產品,而北約國家正在奮力追趕。 美國也在努力向以色列軍隊提供補給,並補充我們自己的庫存,但至少還需要兩年時間才能實現足夠的國內生產,並且需要在接下來的幾年裡獲得補貼。


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