Kamikaze or Just In The Way? | Channeled Message | Qstyle By Dr. C

7 months ago

Themes: Dividing line, point of no return, kamikaze beetle, scarab, June bug, or just in the way, mindset, interpretation of neutral events, choosing, downward spiral, vortex, crushing discomfort, old patterns, Tower of Babel, singularity, funnel, dispersement, transformation, new world, alternate path, viewing things differently, less judgment, maintaining neutrality, portal opening, secret doorway, reality shifting primer or reminder, anchoring into new world, mindset slip, self correction, progress resumed, keep going, grounding, taking out trash, sickness, assisted death, poppy field, morphine advocacy, peaceful spiritual transition, calming a perturbed mind, hospice, sunflower, into new life, gentle passing.

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