This is BIG and THEY took it from US!

8 months ago

Jeff #Rense talks with Yoichi Shimatsu about the latest tragedy's from #fukushima The long-term threat from thirteen years of constant exposure to radioactivity is being topped up with releases of thousands of tons highly radioactive tritium-laced water drained out of temporary storage tanks at the ruins of the TEPCO nuclear plant in Fukushima. Year 13 of that titanic disaster falls on March 11 (3-ll), marked by the release of the fourth batch of radioactive water from that site’s storage tanks. TEPCO is by now in the process of dumping 7.800 metric tons of tritiated water (about 10,tons) over a 17 day period. Over the coming 12 months, a total 54,000 tons of tritium-laced water will be dispatched along the pathway to the North American Current flowing to the North American Pacific Coast. That payload will be followed a year from now with a greater 6th nuclear-water dump. Do these deliveries represent a death sentence for the populations of North America? A nuclear bomb can destroy a city, whereas nucleated fog and rain will eliminate nearly all forms of life across the USA.

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