ISIS is Israeli Secret Intelligence Service but SATANYAHU compared “Hamas" to ISIS WTF!!

8 months ago

Humanity United Against AshkeNAZI!!

ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service

At the beginning of the war on Gaza, after October 7, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that the “Hamas” movement is equal to ISIS and must be eliminated, destroyed, and dealt with just as Israel dealt with the “Amaleks” in the Bible.


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Global Financial Crisis:

Fri. 14 June 2024 Rothschild Makes Major Entry Into Saudi Arabia: With news of Saudi Arabia abandoning the petrodollar and rumored to be interested in joining BRICS, Edmond de Rothschild Bank is partnering with SNB Capital, Saudi Arabia’s largest asset manager, which manages over $66 billion. 66 you say? The Rothschild will provide funding for projects related to the Vision 2030 (Agenda 2030) initiative of the country. The plan is spearheaded by Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. Edmond de Rothschild last year also expanded its presence in Dubai. “I am extremely pleased to establish a presence for Edmond de Rothschild in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through this partnership.”



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King Faisal of Saudi Arabia speech on Zionism before he was assassinated

King Faisal

King Faisal ‘clarifies’ His Stand on Jews; Speaks to Arabs Only (1966)
A spokesman for the king also quoted the monarch as counseling the acceptance of those Jews who had made their home in Palestine long before it became the independent nation of Israel in 1948. “Those Jews who were in Palestine have a right to stay there, but the Jews who came from outside are intruders,” the king was reported to have asserted.


PALESTINE| A TRUE STORY nobody told you. Backed by historical and irrefutable facts

The origins of the Israel-Palestine conflict

A few comments: 1) The plight of European Jewry was a low priority for the British gov'ts before, during, and immediately after the Holocaust. Most certainly during the Baldwin and Chamberlain gov'ts, when the official policy was to appease Hitler. In 1938, not only did the Chamberlain gov't push for the Munich accords, it also issued the White Paper on Jewish Immigration to Palestine, AND in the Evian conference it also refused to accept any Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany into mainland Britain. The British gov't did everything at its disposal to prevent Jews from escaping the Nazis.

2) After WW2, Atlee and Bevin allowed a small number of Jews into the UK, but continued to enforce the 1938 White Paper. Ernie Bevin fantasized about sending the millions of Jewish refugees in Displaced Person camps to New York City. He infamously complained that "Truman doesn't want them".

3) The "Sergeant's Affair" was an Irgun reprisal to the British execution of several Irgun members in Acre prison several days prior.

4) India was partitioned in 1947, a year prior to the partition of Palestine, under similar circumstances, and also with a British withdrawal. So it is not correct that the situation in Palestine had no precedent.

5) Britain did get involved in the 1948 war - surreptitiously. A British General (Gen. John Bagot Glubb) was the commander of the Arab Legion (later renamed the Jordanian army) that captured the West Bank. Britain's Royal Air Force assisted the Egyptian army in the fighting around Gaza. Also, Jordan's subsequent annexation of the West Bank was, at the time, only recognized by one country: Britain. (6) You briefly mention British-French rivalry, and British- Soviet rivalry (in the context of the Cold War). These rivalries played a role in the 1948 war, and its immediate aftermath.

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