Happy Father's Day to All the Dads out there, Gordon Ramsay's Helmet, John 3:16, Looking at the sky

4 months ago

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Happy Father's Day to All the Dads out there, I hope you had a good day, my twins visited me for a while with 4 of the 6 grandkids, I even remembered to record the 7 year old on the zipline which I often forget to do because I was raised to live in the moment instead of spending time recording it so mine was nice 😎

The Robin stopped by, that poor thing looks tired 😟

Gordon Ramsay posted a video on TikTok talking about how people should always wear a helmet when riding a bike because he got hurt, what's odd is not only does he sound like a helmet salesman, when he shows his bruised side it looks strange for a bike accident and really bad as in how is he standing there instead of in a hospital bed all wrapped up, then the pictures of the before and after helmet view to me look like two different helmets 🤔

Took a look at the sky throughout the day going from clear blue to chemtrailed, looking at the Sun saw strange things flying around, lots of action up there 24/7, I took a couple snapshots and also slowed/paused to focus on a couple moving objects through the view 🤫

Grace For Jesus✝️ on Tiktok posted a video of Tim Tebow explaining how after he put John 3:16 under his eyes to play football the number 316 kept showing up 😇

anjainthegarden on TikTok posted a video captioned "Did you know you can eat a dandelion" showing a few different ways to prepare it 🤗

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