240616 Biden BLAMING Trump for This is RIDICULOUS.mp4

8 months ago

Jun 14, 2024 ............................................ 28:10

Check out Steve Cortes free 18 minute documentary on the Border invasion caused by Biden.
Blaming Trump for this is ridiculous. Stephen Gardner and Steve Cortes have an indepth talk on Trump, The border crisis, war and Black and Hispanic voters becoming republicans.

- *Steve Cortes Background:* Steve Cortes served as an advisor to Trump during his presidency, election, and re-election campaigns.

- *Biden's Border Executive Order:* Biden signed an executive order to address border issues, blaming Republicans, while still allowing many immigrants to enter the country.

- *New Documentary on US Border:* Steve, tell us about your new documentary focusing on the US border.

- *Legal vs. Illegal Immigration:* Why do legal immigrants oppose illegal immigration, and why do Democrats assume legal immigrants would support it?

- *Hunter Biden Conviction:* Hunter Biden has been convicted on drugs and guns charges, facing up to 25 years. Will he actually serve time, given Biden's stance on pardoning him?

- *Pelosi National Guard Video:* Thoughts on the new video showing Nancy Pelosi admitting fault for not accepting Trump's offer for the National Guard.

- *Trump's Border Plans:* If Trump returns to office, can he effectively stop illegal immigration and deport millions despite Democratic opposition?

- *RFK Jr. Debate Impact:* Does having RFK Jr. at a debate help or hurt Trump?

- *Movie Promotion:* Watch Steve Cortes' new documentary on the US border.

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