Leaders Stop Killing

8 months ago

If you are the leader of a country and you’re oh so very so Pissed off at another leader,
that pounding sand just isn’t going to do it.

Destroying innocent lives.
That’s the Ticket.
It’s the only thing that’s can settle you down.

Why would a leader of a country annihilate innocent people ???
People who have nothing to do with a problem ?
If you have a problem, you solve your problem with the people causing you a problem.
You don’t go annihilating INNOCENT people, especially women and children ! ! ! ! ! !

Or maybe; ???????????

Maybe the Demon puppet master’s are actually smart,
in a twisted and perverted,
upside down and backwards kind of way.
Maybe they’re smart enough to lead from a Back Door.
Maybe it’s more like,……
A globalist leader get’s together with one of his inbred, I mean, sorry, I meant to say, fellow globalist and says,

“My Demon puppet master needs me to scale back my countries’ population,
so he can feed on the souls as they leave their dead temples.
So, fellow leader, I will oppose you somehow and you can carpet bomb the people I need to get rid of.
In retaliation of course and then everyone will agree you were right to do so.
And I’ll pretend I learns some kind of lesson, not really.
Then people I need gone, will be gone”

I have observed no competition at the top of the Intelligence agencies around the world,
and they all treat people just like, “pawns in chess”.
They plot against their own people. To more easily steer the demographics of their population.
To give the Fallen Angels a world they believe they want.

In the near future you may hear the leader of a country say to his or her people.
‘’If you Piss me off, I’m gonna go and piss off Darth Yahoo and he’ll send his Death Star and carpet bomb you,
while I’m out of the country on a religious sabbatical.
Even though everybody knows I’m a atheist”

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