The Eagle Empress Energy Vlog.

3 months ago

The Eagle Empress Energy Vlog. title is from the Sacred Sopirit Oracle deck card Celestial Gatekeeper Clear yo9ur Focus Timming is criticaal so says the Eagle. and The date June 16, 2024 thus 30 which adds to three the Empress she who is the divine female she of beauty and grace fecundity of the eEarth Mother.
The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site showed us four Amplitudes, the first a power of 17 at 7:15 AM UTC thus we have Death transforming with high hope and clarity from the Star. The second amplitude power of 24 at 7:45 AM UTC thus we have the Tower lcrashing down and we must send love to the victims of the collapse of our society. The thired amplitude a power of 38 at 12:30 PM UTC thus we have the Devil being brought to justice at long last. The fourth amplitude power of 55 at 1:00 PM UTC thus we have the Magus striving to change is karma as the devil goes down.
The Quality power of 23 add to #5 The Hierophant card a dark pope or at best a spiritual messenger may they be forever more. Maybe you should be your own spiritual messenger? The frequency average is 7.70 hertz Thus we have the Temperance card which brings Balance and healing Mellow out baby.

Therefore we can say about it all: The Empress with he3r divine glow bring grace as the wheel of fortune mets out its kiarmic change on the hierophant with temperance and Justice for all. The sarseed Oracle deck gave us the Seas of Mintaka that we may see the potential as we tap or own divine nature.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
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Michael Jaco interview Brad Wysinshi :

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