Mixing and editing song Summer Rising

5 months ago

System 1m
iPhone (sparsely Moog Keith Emerson sounding parts here and there)
Prophet 10, the droning, which was the inspiration and recorded along with an earlier almost entirely different session just this one droning part is the only part from that.
Prophet 10 is used for a synth onslaugt (about 10 min see accomp. mixing video on Rumble)
So there are 2 separate Prophet 10 performances.
The System 1m was recorded along with the 2nd Prophet and is consisting of various whirring noises, and other thumping sounds.

Drums. These were after the initial Prophet, because it was better with re record which I'd played orig Pro and orig drums simultaneous and drums weren't very consistent. So I re recorded a long drum part of about 27 minutes. Then I cut that out and looped a 6+ minute stretch of it (between the 2 synth fuckups after it started doing the droning, the better portion of the drone, lasted about 6.25 minutes) about 7.3 times~along with the original stretch of prophet drone.

Why 7.3 times? Because that's how long I played around on the guitar. At some point of drumming the 2nd take I realized I was playing something that sounded slightly in tune with Midnight Rider and in the initial recording (found on Rumble) you will hear some singing of that while I drummed.

After finishing the drums I was listening back and craved to play the guitar along with this Allman Brothers sound. So you get that. At some later on point in the jam I decided that I would try to figure out how to do Mountain by Donovan (the Allman Brothers did that one and called it Mountain Jam). The learning bits were sort of bad sounding so I boidsed them out. Using a setting for the plugin Boids that I developed which inverts the guitar sound pretty much, cloaked these earlier efforts during the original recording at playing Mountain.

So the Mix video was 2 hours. The 2nd Drum recording was about 2 hours. They will both be on the Rumble channel.

This is not even slightly copy right infringement and I don't have to say that there's anything to do with Midnight Rider here. After all the inspiration was from just my tempo and the drone and the way I play the drums with a lot of swing. Just them are rock n roll and I am rock n roll. This is completely its own thing. Just a pure sweet jam I was happy to be the part of. Happy to be able to mix this another time. Happy to make the music. It's ok you don't have to pay me to do shit I like to do. Done even have to listen to it. It doesn't really matter any more that no one ever listened to any of my music. I listened to it myself. Made new stuff all the time. A day or two each piece I could listen again and again. Always tripped out to the sound of it.
But I'm pretty good at it you know? Been doing this for years. Doesn't sound anything like your popular radio in 2024 and I'm good with that. Today's name (on the soundcloud metadata) will be seen as "The Liberal" and publisher "The Liberal" Go there and download it now and play it while you do some summer thing.


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