20230808 克里斯·肖马克博士:新冠疫苗中DNA会不断制造RNA和刺突蛋白达十年之久,会致使接种者未来五年内 更易患癌症、肺栓塞、不孕不育等疾病,即使健康年轻人也无法幸免。

9 months ago

#疫苗灾难:20230808 克里斯·肖马克博士:💥新冠疫苗中DNA会不断制造RNA和刺突蛋白达十年之久,会致使接种者未来五年内 更易患癌症、肺栓塞、不孕不育等疾病,即使健康年轻人也无法幸免。 打苗者刺突蛋白脱落会对地球上每个人造成同等伤害。

Dr. Chris Shoemaker: The DNA in the COVID vaccine can keep making RNA and Spike proteins for a decade, making those vaccinated more likely to get cancer, pulmonary embolism, and infertility in the next five years, and even healthy young people are not exempt. The likelihood of every citizen on earth having the chance to be as vaccinated virtually as the ones who were vaccinated is a literal possibility.

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