Hurting Kelsey oakes toxic ego a little more

8 months ago

Do not ever bully or target my friends again kelsey oakes your dad drue oakes and your mom stacey had noticed my call out messages i hope he punishes you for the fucked up shit you have said to me and others telling my loved ones to die of cancer threatening to assault me and land me in a hospital.
It's a shame these people can't let me move on from the drama they created and started and won't let me be depressed in peace. Can I be depressed in peace? aparently not since you wanna tell me and others to kill ourselves.
Jealousy is a disease get well soon 😘 you narc sociopath

hut up you scummy excuse of a person as well as a nuisance.
In fact I hope God takes something away from you to teach you a lesson about making fun of my cat windingos passing don't bark up my tree i have more followers then you and I'll get them to expose you spread awareness on your accounts and your friends

Your nothing but a narcissist and YouTube is not for people like you who defend preds and are bullies
this is what you get bitch for being a evil cunt your not a Christian your not going to heaven your a fucking demon wearing the skin of an angel.

What I find funny is Queen Aurora will grandstand over people when they make any remarks towards her weight, yet she can stalk, harass, dox swat, defame and mock people, as well as groom minors and allegedly caused someone to take their own life. All of that is okay to her, but if you make any jokes towards her, especially about her weight, that's crossing the line and it's a crime against humanity.

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