Dane Wigington HAARP Geoengineering Watch Global Update Alert News! [June 15 2024]

8 months ago

To read or post comments on this video, please go directly to the article: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-watch-global-alert-news-june-15-2024-462/

Dane Wigington Hacking The Planet Chemtrails H.A.A.R.P. 'Climate Change' Geo-Engineering!

Dane Wigington 'The Dimming': Geo-engineering Psyops Causing Earth To Collapse Fast! [20.06.2023]

'The Dimming' Exposing The Global Climate Engineering Cover-Up! (Documentary) [10.03.2021]

Our hope and goal is for this video to be forwarded far and wide. DO NOT re-upload any part of this copyrighted video.

"South Florida compared to scenes from a "zombie movie" as widespread flooding triggers rare warning" from CBS News.

"Unstable systems: Why geoengineering will solve neither climate change nor climate geopolitics" from ELN (European Leadership Network).

The ELN report continues with this, "Even more so than resource competition, this could trigger interstate conflict up to war, which, under the circumstances of great power competition and climate change, would be a threat to humanity’s very survival."

Where does that leave us?

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count.

Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Dane Wigington

Dane Wigington
205K subscribers
8,040 views Jun 15, 2024

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