Believing but not Seeing

8 months ago

There is a common expression, "seeing is believing," but when Thomas was told by his fellow disciples that they had seen the Lord, he refused to believe but said, "Not only must I see, but I must touch the wounds that he had." Jesus will later tell Thomas that there are certain benefits by believing but not seeing. Let's see what Jesus talks about in this situation.

John 20:19 & 20 Jesus appears in the room where the disciples are even though the doors were shut, shows His wounds and they rejoice
John 20:21 Jesus tells them as the Father sent Him, He is sending them
John 20:22 Ahe breathed on them and said “Receive the Holy Spirit
John 20:23 Forgiving and retaining sins
John 20:24 & 25 Thomas was not with the other disciples and even though they tell him they have seen the Lord, he refuses to believe unless he sees the wounded hands and put his finger in Jesus’ side
John 20:26 & 27 8 days later Jesus gives Thomas the opportunity to do as Thomas demanded
John 20:28 Thomas responds “My Lord and my God”
John 20:29 Jesus tells him “Blessed are those who believe but have not seen”

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