JESUS: In the Book of Revelation - The Lamb

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JESUS: In the Book of Revelation - The Lamb | Pastor Jordan Boyce

Join us for church online! Awakening Church is streaming live from Smithfield, RI, with Pastor Jordan Boyce speaking on how Jesus, the sacrificial Lamb, conquered through His sacrifice and saves humanity by His blood, offering hope and deliverance.

- Jesus is the Lamb that conquered through His sacrifice and saves us by His blood.
- No one is found worthy to open the scroll and fulfill God’s will, highlighting humanity's unworthiness.
- The presence of Christ can guide us through crises, offering hope and direction.
- The Lamb's sacrifice echoes the Passover, where blood marked the doorposts to save lives, symbolizing deliverance through Jesus.
- "The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered," affirming hope and God's prophetic plan through Christ.

- Romans 3:10-12
- Psalm 121:1-2
- Colossians 3:3
- John 1:29
- Romans 7:24-25

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- We'd love to have you join us on Sunday!

Song rights: CCLI Account #1832544.

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