What to pray when God lets you down.

8 months ago

What to do when your will is not in tandem with God's? The only thing worse than suffering under the actual hard thing in your life, is going through it alone, feeling that God is absent, or the cause of it, or against you. God is not the author of "hard" in life, but He is SOVEREIGN over it, sometimes permitting, sometimes preventing, committed and able to work ALL things together for your good. He is wanting to draw you closer to Himself as you recognize your own weakness and need.
If you find yourself mistrusting God because of a discouragement or heartbreak in your life, send out the simplest of prayers: "Lord, help my unbelief," and then let Him meet you where you are at. He longs for restored, intimate, trusting relationship with you more than you do. Ask Him to show you signs of "God doing a new thing," and then look for it - the tiny green shoot poking up from the crust of snow!

✨Praying the Scriptures - even when you don't feel trusting - is a way to as reach out to God in faith rather than fretting. "Lord, I don't FEEL You but I am going to speak to You AS IF You care and AS IF You are able to change my heart!" Jesus wants to give you a life of trust in Him and peace in your heart, one day at a time.

Here are Scriptures to pray in faith when you are feeling desolate:
Psalm 37:4-6
Proverbs 3:5-6
Romans 8:28
Psalm 28:7
Jeremiah 29:11

Know that when you pray Scriptures you are praying in the will of God because God’s word = God’s will.

Take heart that when you are in "struggle mode," God is still AT WORK, but in ways you cannot see. Choose faith over sight.

Keep pressing on, #prayerwarrior
#ChristianWoman #faithjourney
#SpiritualGrowth #ChristianLiving

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