Family, Death and succession of 9th Caliph of Abbasid Caliphate

6 months ago

@islamichistory813 #Islamiccaliphate #9thcaliph #Abbasidcaliphate #family #death #succession

Family, Death and succession of 9th Caliph of Abbasid Caliphate.

One of al-Wathiq's concubines was Qurb, a Greek.[67] In 833 she gave birth to al-Wathiq's son, Muhammad, the future caliph al-Muhtadi.[68] Another concubine was Faridah, who was also a musician and al-Wathiq's favourite. When al-Wathiq died, the singer Amr ibn Banah presented her to Caliph al-Mutawakkil. He married her, and she became one of his favourites.[69] He had another concubine, who was a servant of Faridah. Al-Wathiq was infatuated with her.[70] Another concubine was Qalam. She belonged to Salih bin Abdul al-Wahhab, who had trained her as a singer. Al-Wathiq bought her for 5000 dinars and called her Ightibat ("delight")

Al-Wathiq died as the result of edema, likely from liver damage or diabetes, while being seated in an oven in an attempt to cure it,[40][58] on 10 August 847.[32] His age is variously given as 32, 34, or 36 Islamic years at the time.[3] He was buried in the Haruni Palace in Samarra,[32] that he had built.[13]

His death was unexpected, and left the succession open[40]—although the near-contemporary historian al-Ya'qubi at least claims that an heir had been named, and the oath of allegiance given to him.[59] Consequently, the leading officials, the vizier, Ibn al-Zayyat, the chief qadi, Ahmad ibn Abi Duwad, the Turkic generals Itakh and Wasif, and a few others, assembled to determine his successor. Ibn al-Zayyat initially proposed al-Wathiq's son Muhammad (the future caliph al-Muhtadi), but due to his youth he was passed over, and instead the council chose al-Wathiq's 26-year-old half-brother Ja'far, who became the caliph al-Mutawakkil.[60][61]

This selection is commonly considered by historians to have been in effect a conspiracy to place a weak and pliable ruler on the throne, while the same cabal of officials would run affairs as under al-Wathiq.[59][62] They would be quickly proven wrong, for al-Mutawakkil quickly moved to eliminate Ibn al-Zayyat and Itakh and consolidate his own authority

So friends tomorow we will start about 10th Caliph of Abbasid Caliphate Jaffar ibn Muhammad ibn Harun.
Allah Hafiz


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