Receiving God's Greater Light to Overcome Today's Increasing Darkness

8 months ago

Jesus shows us how to receive God's greater light in a world of increasing darkness. For more on this subject, see our devotionals at

Hebrews 12;28
Isaiah 42:9
Isaiah 43;18-19
Matthew 6;10
John 8;11-12
Acts 7;51
Acts 9;3,17-18
John 17;15-19

:15 Introduction
1:35 Perceiving new things God is doing
5:10 God is restoring things according to His Word
6:24 God's light reveals new things
8:36 Jesus says, "I am the light of the world" bringing greater freedom
11:40 Using God's weapons to advance forward
12:30 Receiving new lenses to see more clearly
15:50 Answering God's call
20:09 Experiencing Book of Acts experiences
23:38 Resisting the resistance
24:18 Embracing the realities of Jesus' prayer in John 17

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