Lizzy Taylor your hate becomes you!

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3 months ago

This 75 year old has stalked me for 6 years i cant get her to stop , im her reason to live , records every word i say and do , and puts up vids i made 5 years ago out of context, exposes my hoildays and my poker events , presents its to show im a bad person ! with no let up ever .gives crazy people a platform , to make up lies about me and my family ,like ive got secret children , that im banned from seeing , lizzy puts this for the world to see as the truth knowing its total fabrication spoken by her old ladies ,
I Found this online the same thoughts as AD over and over what are these people sad lives , they never even think of stopping !
There’s a term for this brand of gratuitous online cruelty: we call it internet trolling. Trolling is recreational abuse – usually anonymous – intended to waste the subject’s time or get a rise out of them or frustrate or frighten them into silence. Sometimes it’s relatively innocuous (like asking contrarian questions just to start an argument) or juvenile (like making fun of my weight or my intelligence), but – particularly when the subject is a young woman – it frequently crosses the line into bona fide, dangerous stalking and harassment.

And even “innocuous” harassment, when it’s coming at you en masse from hundreds users a day, stops feeling innocuous very quickly. It’s a silencing tactic. The message is: you are outnumbered.
The message is: we’ll stop when you’re gone. The volume and intensity of Who gets trolled has a direct impact on who gets to talk;
I feel the pull all the time: I should change careers; I should shut down my social media; maybe I’m

; it’s just too exhausting. I hear the same refrains from my supporters Sure, we’ve all built up significant armour at this point, but, you know, armour is heavy. Internet trolling might seem like an issue

Sitting at my computer, staring at AD hate I had precious few options. All I could do, really, was ignore it: hit “block” and move on, knowing that that account was still out there, hidden behind a few gossamer lines of code, still putting words and worse in my mouth, still using his image to mock, abuse and silence people. After all, it’s not illegal to reach elbow-deep into someone’s memories and touch them and twist them and weaponise them (to impress the echo chamber. Nor should it be, of course. But that doesn’t mean we have to tolerate it without dissent.

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