Cori Bush Performed Multiple Miracles As A Religious Faith Healer, According To Her Autobiography

8 months ago

Posted • June 16, 2024: Here's some old news that's suddenly new. The first bit of news is that Rep. Cori Bush published a biography two years ago, and we had no idea. The New York Post assures us that there was a full media blitz at the time for "The Forerunner: A Story of Pain and Perseverance in America." Apparently, no one read it until the New York Post's John Levine got hold of a copy. We'd heard that Bush's husband/security guard was a little wacky, but Bush claims to have performed miracles in her book. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Rep. Cori Bush Claimed to Have Cured Tumors Through Faith Healing
New York Post: Squad member Cori Bush claimed she performed miracles, cured tumors in autobiography
Rumble: Rep. Cori Bush Claimed She Performed Miracles, Cured Tumors Through Faith Healing In Autobiography

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