Gears of Deception, Electronic pop music

8 months ago

In retaliation to a corrupt world I've checked out of being a cog in society as morale stance to the injustices of the world. My taxes have been an aid to the cruelty of the world, what little good it does it also equally does its share in evil. The only moral stance is to do nothing, or opt out. Many say, why not go out and try to change the world if you hate it so?. I believe humanity is beyond redemption. Time and time again I see power corrupt and see no end in sight from it. The only good I see is inside the little slice of heaven Ive created out in the boonies. They say don't try to change the world, be the change you want to see, and im putting it into practice.

Corrupt gears grind, taxes grease their cruelty, a pittance for good, a mountain for the liar. Doing nothing, the only moral stance? change the world they say? A fool's dream, a power play disguised as a righteous scream.
Humanity's rot, a sickness I see, time and again, eternally. So I turn my back,
build my sanctuary, a farm in the wild, My escape, a bubble of solace in the boondock. They preach "change the world," but redemption's a mirage. Humanity's a broken machine, Power a disease that infects every hand that holds it. On this farm, I build my own slice of heaven. Not changing the world, but being the change I want to see, this world's a losing game, My haven's my protest, a burning, quiet flame. No more gears, no more machine, I'm done with the rat race gleam. Let the suits chase their paper crown, I'll find my peace on this fertile ground.

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