Job 39 Psalm 29 Proverbs 10:2 16 Matthew 9:27-38 Luke 8:40-56 Audio Bible Reading Plan

3 months ago

God continues to question Job, highlighting His control and knowledge of the natural world. He describes the behavior and characteristics of various animals, such as the mountain goats, deer, wild donkeys, oxen, ostriches, horses, hawks, and eagles. God emphasizes His power and wisdom in the creation and governance of these creatures, contrasting it with Job’s limited understanding and ability.

Psalm 29
The psalmist calls upon the heavenly beings to ascribe glory and strength to the Lord. The voice of the Lord is described as powerful and majestic, breaking cedars, shaking the wilderness, and causing the deer to give birth. The psalm concludes by proclaiming that the Lord sits enthroned over the flood and is the King forever, blessing His people with peace and strength.

Proverbs 10:2
Ill-gotten treasures have no lasting value, but righteousness delivers from death.

Matthew 9:27-38
Jesus Heals the Blind and Mute
Two blind men follow Jesus, calling out for mercy. Jesus asks if they believe He can heal them, and upon their affirmation, He touches their eyes and restores their sight, instructing them to keep it private. Despite His warning, they spread the news. Later, a demon-possessed man who was mute is brought to Jesus, and He drives out the demon, enabling the man to speak. The crowd is amazed, but the Pharisees accuse Jesus of driving out demons by the prince of demons.

The Harvest Is Plentiful, but the Workers Are Few
Jesus travels through towns and villages, teaching, preaching, and healing. Seeing the crowds, He is moved with compassion because they are harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He tells His disciples that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few, and urges them to pray for workers to be sent into the harvest field.

Luke 8:40-56
Jesus Heals Jairus’s Daughter and a Sick Woman
Upon returning, Jesus is welcomed by a crowd. Jairus, a synagogue leader, pleads with Jesus to heal his dying daughter. As Jesus goes with him, a woman with a twelve-year bleeding issue touches His cloak, believing she will be healed. Jesus feels the power leave Him and asks who touched Him. The woman confesses, and Jesus tells her that her faith has healed her.

While still speaking, someone from Jairus’s house reports that his daughter has died. Jesus encourages Jairus to believe and continues to his house. He tells the mourners that the girl is not dead but asleep. Taking her hand, Jesus calls her to get up, and she rises, astonishing everyone. He instructs them to give her something to eat and orders them not to tell anyone what happened.

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