Plants vs Zombies 2 - Plant of the Week - Pokra - June 2024

7 months ago

35 Pokra seeds are awarded for completing this event consisting of five (5) levels.

Plant of the Week - Pokra - was offered between June 15, 2024 through June 22, 2024.

Pokra is a member of the Spear-Mint family.
Pokra costs 175 Sun. (-25 Sun on levels 4, 7 and 10.)
Pokra does 60 melee damage. (+20 damage per level.)
Every 4th attack will launch a spear. This spear does 150 damage. (+50 per level.)
All of Pokra's attacks slows zombies.

Many plants do not like being on the front lines. Pokra doesn't mind as she acts like Bonk Choy.
Many plants only do one thing. Pokra can slow, has melee and ranged attacks.
Many plants which can do multiple things do not do anything very well. Pokra is not of those plants.

Bottom Line:
The only criticism of Pokra is her high sun cost. But we can live with it as you get so much value for her and the player can pretty much work on other lanes knowing Pokra has her lane covered.

00:00 Level 1
01:21 Level 2
03:05 Level 3
04:20 Level 4
05:21 Level 5

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