8 months ago

On May 11, 2024, a global event dedicated to the most acute and important topic of our time — the climate crisis — took place in the Lucerne Palace in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. This significant event was attended by experts from various fields, representatives of the academic community, the media, civil society, as well as delegations of volunteers from ALLATRA IPM and the Creative Society project from more than 35 countries around the world.

✅ Within the framework of this important event, the following topics were considered:
🌐 The rapid increase in the number of natural disasters and the collective search for solutions to this acute problem within the framework of UN support in the fight against climate change
🌐 Protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms
🌐 Preservation of democracy

During his visit to the European Union, Egon Cholakian, an intelligence educator and national security expert, took part in the global meeting of the participants of ALLATRA IPM. In his speech, he stated that he would represent ALLATRA at the highest level in the United States and thanked the participants for their active actions.

Marina Ovtsynova, President of ALLATRA International Public Movement (USA), expressed gratitude to all participants of the movement for their perseverance and commitment to the common goal of creating a secure future free from global climate threats.

Olga Schmidt, President of the Creative Society international project (USA), also spoke at this large-scale event. During her speech, she noted: "Our experience interacting with the United Nations and other international organizations shows that we can create the conditions necessary to find a way out of the climate collapse and build a sustainable and prosperous future for all through joint efforts."

Climate research reports were presented by John Ahn, an expert in the field of climate change, and Taliy Shkurupiy, an independent researcher on climate change issues.

ALLATRA International Public Movement and the Creative Society international project support the UN Sustainable Development Goals and recognize the importance of UN efforts to combat climate change. They aim to actively participate in the public dialogue on the factors of climate change and emphasize the importance of the impact of human activity on this process.

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to organizing and participating in this important event. Together we can protect democracies, human rights and freedoms and overcome the impending climate crisis.

✅ Global Crisis. The Responsibility | International Online Forum. December 2nd, 2023:

"Revenge of Grandmasters. The Secret Power Players Revealed":

✅ Official website of ALLATRA International Public Movement:

✅ Official website of ALLATRA TV International Internet television:

✅ Official website of the Creative Society International Project:

#democracy #freedom #climate

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