Idea For Dentists

9 months ago

Go on Canva if you are a dentist and get this animated horse that seems to be also a unicorn. Let's call him Uni as in unique or united. Set up a non profit and raise money to pay for the dental care for rescued from trafficking kids or be a part of the Doctors Without Borders or Operation Rainbow organizations. They have a lot of doctors retiring and or working abroad so local doctors and health care professionals are needed. See for connected after care organizations. The site took that name as the movie Song Of The South had that song in it and was one od the first movies to have cartoons and people on one screen. Mary Poppins with Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke also had animated combined with actors.

Angel Studios in Anaheim is making exciting movies that are designed to inspire and help the next generation not to go Left towards failed ideologies like Marxism, Nazism, Fascism, Totalitarianism, Communism and Socialism. Those failed movements caused so much suffering, wars, graft, blindness,burns, maiming, death and wiped out entire generations of men. Evil wants to wipe out fighting age men and consequently, reduce population. Now, with women in combat, less babies are being born and population is not growing enough. Importing in other nations people by Biden Regime means they realize that their advocating abortion for decades has created an unintended consequence. China has billions compared to our millions. They plan to take us over with Muslims who have multiple wives and huge families and the radicals & CCP live off tax payers .

Cold hard facts. Get married and have babies like the baby boomers did after WW 2, or all nations will be overrun by the violent radicals, not just America.

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