CTP (S1EJunSpecial3, 20240619) CTP Point and Purpose of Show - Special Drop BTS/SP Video

7 months ago

CTP S1EJunSpecial3 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Wed Jun 19 2024 and thereafter) at: 
https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EJunSpecial3) Clarifying Point and Purpose of the CTP Show
Show intro from S1EJunSpecial3: A break-out of Segment that will be included in a few other Shows to focus on point/purpose of the CTP Show and us together as Christians (despite sects/brands)... We are thousands of years removed from Christ's time. Does anyone deny humankind is flawed, frail, capable of mistakes. Can anyone deny we are sometimes, IMO too often, divided even in our own views of "Christianity" (somehow we are all followers of Christ, but at times still divided than united in Christ) - it is undeniable there are variations, revisions, differences, in the various sects/denominations Bible version texts, otherwise how can there be so many different versions of supposed ONE BIBLE. Satan has entered Hubris in our Hearts, trying to taint our Souls, wanting us to focus on the divisions THAT MAN has introduced from, in, with our "supposed ONE and focused in Christ" FAITH (as none of us were there thousands of years ago) and these various rewritings of the original texts. The point and purpose of CTP is to try focus us on things we can all agree and come together under CHRIST - not let Devil steal our Joy and our Love of Christ and instead be at each others throats in these Satan and/or Human created "differences" in the last couple thousands of years that have entered in our discourse. Until we are all ONE together in Heaven and all and full truth revealed (direct from the source, not tainted by Human game of "Telephone") we take it all on FAITH (none of us KNOW with 100% certainty and assurance, not me, not you; again unless you have a Time-machine to go back and hear it all first-hand; no-one, that's why we all Pray (don't we) for guidance and forgiveness if/when/where we get something wrong in Life at times). Let us be TOGETHER in Christ, not bickering as Satan wants us to be. And while we are to Judge (Biblically contextually) Final Judgement is for The Lord - Condemn not lest ye be Condemned. Has Jesus contradicted, of course not, had Jesus gotten something wrong, of course not, it is Humans via misinterpretations and mistranslations that have introduced any potential Scriptural contradictions and discrepancies or potential attempts to distort in our different sect/denomination texts (Bible copies) - as our Churches, our sects/denominations have Human Leadership and sometimes personal quests for power/control.
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