Who is dumber, men or women? | Church 6/16/24

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Assignment: Leave it blank! BQ's: Who's dumber, men or women? What are you trying to win? New BQ: Why do you carry out the works of the flesh?

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, June 16, 2024 — Happy Father's Day!

ANNOUNCEMENT: No Women's Forum this week! Normally third Thursday, but not this month! https://rebuildingtheman.com/events/

0:00:00 Pre-service small talk; Welcome!
0:05:46 Man and wife: Her mother died in car accident
0:08:30 Children, their mother, her husband
0:17:40 Do the assignment? Why do you come?
0:23:29 Assignment: Leave it blank; don't converse with the Devil
0:27:10 Biblical Questions: Trying to win? Who's dumber?
0:36:22 (BQs) Women have to do the same as men. Is it men's fault?
0:47:40 (BQs) Man and his wife… Obey? Don't believe in God
0:51:58 (BQs) Triggered by Q. Why not remain in the present? (Love hell?)
1:03:52 (BQs) Woman going through divorce, on anger
1:14:02 (BQs) Little girl: Who makes better decisions?
1:19:27 Q: Is it men's fault, how women are? Women need men? (Nick…)
1:23:38 JLP: Women can find God. JLP on BQ: I don't know who's dumber!
1:39:33 Feedback: Do you ever get angry? Be not deceived! Anger is evil.
1:44:07 New BQ, 15yo and his father on anger, irritation
1:51:06 BQ: Why do you carry out the works of the flesh? (Closing)

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Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday 11 AM PT (1CT/2ET) at BOND in Los Angeles https://rebuildingtheman.com/church/

SILENT PRAYER: http://silentprayer.video | READ https://rebuildingtheman.com/prayer/

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