Over-Excited Little Girl Falls Into The Stingray Pool

6 years ago

Aquariums and are awesome places to get an up close and personal look at the wonders of the ocean, rivers, seas and lakes in the world. The room that I have always had problems with is the touch room. It is not a problem with the room itself, this isn’t a PETA thing. It’s more that I am very squeamish about touching the animals that are in those pools. That’s a me problem though.

The kids in this video are visiting the touch room at their local aquarium. This particular pool has the string rays in them. We were curious so we did look up whether or not sting rays actually enjoy being petted by people. It turns out that they do like the attention. One article we read described them as puppies of the sea with a very intelligent and playful nature. However, there are some things to know about stingrays before petting them. Obviously one of them is maybe don’t fall into their tank, but that’s another story.

There are two areas of the string ray body that are no go zones. When petting a sting ray you need to focus on their wings, especially the edges of their wings. However, you don’t want to stroke their tail or their spine. This is seen as a threat by the string ray and can cause them to sting. We read that sting rays are kind of like cats, in that they want pets but if they back off you shouldn’t chase after them. It is also recommend that you don’t hold food, especially crabs or prawns, before petting them because they might try to eat.

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