Pascal Najadi - Reloaded from wheelnutt

8 months ago

Whilst I disagree with Pascal Najadis' limited knowledge on Eygpt & incorrect interpretation of the same, the rest of what Pascal relays regarding WEF & JAB is worthy of viewing & Pascal should stick to that which he is conversant on.

My comment posted under this upload, Copied & Pasted below TY.
Only some of what he says is correct, not all Eygptians & Eyptian history is negative? Which era does he speak of because his knowledge on this subject is limited!
Some, only some migrated to the Swiss Quarter!

Many in Eygpt believed in only ONE HOLY GOD!, do you suppose by keep demonising Eygpt without proper knowledge is right? WRONG...No man knows the REAL TRUTH OF THE BLOODLINES of EYGPT!

Not all snakes are evil the Black Snake eats the dangerous Snakes in certain countries & The ArchAngel Raphaels' Staff is The Intertwined Cadeuces, two Snakes rising from the Base to the Crown! A HEALING ANGEL STAFF! 😇

This man should stick to the WEF & JABBY matters & the stuff he knows about with certainty!

TY, for making me aware of yet another who is way out of his depth on certain Eygptian issues here.😇😎🤗

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