“Don't. Wunt. Dieepeers.” (February 2021)

6 months ago

Andrew, Tom, Jan, Juice, and Kim of Niagara County Social Services speak because Andrew has to leave his current hotel. At the time of this recording, Tom had a broken ankle.

5:10 - Tom states that Andrew cannot return home because he and Jan do not feel safe.
6:57 - Andrew: "Andy's not going to be put in danger. Andy's not leaving this hotel room without going to jail or a group home." (The response is deathly silence.)
7:48 - Andrew uses his TTS software to have it repeatedly state: "I want to go to jail."
Around 9:50- Juice: " She's been working to get you diapers." Andrew interjects: “I. DON'T. WUNT. DIEEPEERS.”
11:11 Andrew regarding his time in jail: "Yeah, I got beaten up by many of the bad people who lived there. Who are criminals, murderers. But I had felt loved. Accepted. Understood. I felt human. Yeah I was not the greatest shape of hygiene..."

Original title: I don't want to be neglected I want jail or group home
Uploaded by Andrew Ditch on: February 10, 2021

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