New Photos Reveal Palestine Leader Al-Husseini VISIT Nazi Camps

8 months ago

see: Evidence Shows Palestinian Leader Amin al-Husseini at a Nazi Concentration Camp

See also- The Nazi Jihad Alliance: Amin Al Husseini and Otto Skorzeny
As Allied forces close in on Germany, the Nazi dream looks like it's over. But two men carry Hitler's vision beyond Germany: From their Nazi stronghold in the Middle East, Amin Al Husseini and Otto Skorzeny create a new kind of terror.
Documentary (45min):

Se also: See also:
The Nazi Islam Alliance (15 min)-

see also: Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem:


*In June 1943, Husseini is believed to have visited Auschwitz with Eichmann. Shortly thereafter, Husseini met with Himmler in the nearby Ukrainian town of Zhitomir. In his memoirs, Husseini revealed that during this meeting Himmler informed him that “Up to now we have liquidated about three million of them [Jews]." Yet the Mufti continued to do his best to prevent any Jews—including children—from escaping Europe.

Beyond merely seeking to extend Hitler’s Holocaust to the Middle East, Husseini may well have played a role in persuading Hitler to murder Europe’s Jews in the first place. Up until 1941, Hitler did not plan to kill the Jews in the lands he occupied; he merely wanted to expel them. At the same time, however, Hitler was aggressively courting Husseini as an ally who could deliver critical Arab and Muslim support to the Nazis.

In January 1941, Husseini sent a letter to Hitler offering him an alliance provided certain conditions were met. One of his core demands was that Hitler prohibit Jewish emigration from the territory he controlled. In October 1941, as his first meeting with Husseini approached, Hitler officially outlawed the emigration of Jews from German-occupied territories. On November 28, 1941, Hitler held a ninety-minute meeting with Husseini in his Berlin headquarters. That same day—only a few hours later—Hitler ordered SS General Reinhard Heydrich to convene a conference to initiate the “final solution of the Jewish question.”

The very next day, Heydrich sent invitations to thirteen high-ranking Nazi officials asking that they join him for a meeting in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee. The “Wannsee Conference” would go down in history as the meeting at which the Holocaust was initiated. On December 4—well in advance of the conference—Eichmann personally briefed Husseini on the proposed Final Solution.

This timing may represent nothing more than startling coincidence. Hitler might have eventually chosen the path of genocide no matter what the demands and counsel of his new Arab ally. But there is something about Hitler’s interactions with Husseini that seems to have affirmed his hate, pushed his hand, and moved him closer to the most horrific of actions.

David Brog
- Reclaiming Israel's History

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