IS IT 1984? by Huckleberry

8 months ago

"Is It 1984?" is a song I wrote and produced in 2007 in response to a bill introduced to Congress to censor people in violation of the First Article in the Bill of Rights. It was US House Bill 1955. It did not pass but now we are all experiencing the effect of the continued effort by the government and social media platforms to censor us. The original production is just as applicable today as it was in 2007 and before.

I have updated my live performances of the song by adding a new verse and modifying the lyrics to reflect the increased intensity of censorship. I plan to produce the song at some time in the future with the updated lyrics. Here are the updated lyrics:

[B]Is It 1984?[/B]

When Congress passed the "Patriot Act" it took away our Rights.
It's time to stand and just say "NO", we will not comply.
The Congress and the Deep State are closing freedom's door.
Is it my imagination or is it 1984? (Please tell me)
Is it my imagination or is it 1984?

They took away our privacy, Habeas Corpus, too.
Now torture has been legalized and colored red, white and blue.
The talking heads on TV thumping drums of war;
Is it my imagination or is it 1984? (Please tell me)
Is it my imagination or is it 1984?

It used to be that we could speak our minds without a care.
Big Brother and the Thought Police now say we must beware.
The social media platforms now censor even more,
Is it my imagination or is it 1984? (Please tell me)
Is it my imagination or is it 1984?

Their house of cards is falling as the truth is spread around.
There's a New World Odor in the air, Big Brother's going down.
Their lies can't stand the light of day, their Newspeak exposed.
Is it my imagination or is it 1984? (Please tell me)
Is it my imagination or is it 1984? (Won't you tell me?)
Is it my imagination or is it 1984?

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